3 TRX Exercises for Athletes
The TRX Suspension Trainer is becoming a common sight in almost every gym and weight room in the country. Athletes at all levels, from pros like Drew Brees and Antonio Brown to people just starting a training program, can benefit from this incredibly versatile piece of equipment (find out more about the benefits of TRX workouts).
Former Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick created the Suspension Trainer as a way to get a full workout in the field with minimal equipment. He quickly found that the benefits go beyond portability and ease of use.
Standard TRX exercises tend to focus on a few muscle groups, which is great for building strength. Overall strength is important for athletes, but equally important are movement and body control. This is where the Suspension Trainer excels. TRX’s philosophy is “training movements, not muscle,” meaning that you increase strength, balance, stability, mobility and coordination at the same time.
If you’re wondering why this is so important for athletes, imagine a wide receiver launching into the air for a thrown ball and landing with his two feet just inbounds. If all of the factors above don’t work together, he won’t be able to reach for the ball while maintaining control, or to know intuitively how much to extend his legs to stay inbounds.
Also, since the TRX is unstable, it forces your core to remain engaged throughout every exercise, to resist movement and maintain control. Strength coach Eric Cressey has done extensive research on this subject, and he is a strong advocate of using the TRX for injury prevention. He says, “The bulk of our oblique strain prevention core training program should be movements that resist rotation.”
We spoke with fitness expert Karen Riccio, owner of The Pilates ABsession, and asked her for some of her favorite exercises to use with athletes. “[TRX] is the toughest piece of equipment I’ve ever worked with,” says Riccio. “You can guarantee an efficient and challenging workout with every use.” Below are three of her favorite exercises that target different areas of the body.
RELATED: Complete TRX 3-Day Full-Body Workout
Suspended Knee Tucks
Challenges your core and improves stability
Assume push-up or plank position with feet in TRX straps. Keep abs tight and back flat. Tuck knees into chest; keep back and hips parallel with floor. Extend legs to return to start position. Repeat for specified reps.
Sets/Reps: 3×10 with 30 seconds rest between sets
Suspended Push-Ups
Builds upper-body and core strength
Assume push-up position with hands grasping TRX straps. Perform Push-Up, keeping back flat and core tight. Repeat for specified reps.
Sets/Reps: 3×10 with 30 seconds rest between sets
Suspended Hamstring Curls
Increases hamstring strength and improves hip stability
Lie on back and place heels in TRX straps. Bend knees to 90 degrees and press hips to ceiling. Slowly straighten one leg at a time in alternating fashion; squeeze glutes throughout movement. Repeat for specified reps.
Sets/Reps: 3×10 with 30 seconds rest between sets
Athletes are always in search of new and exciting ways to get an edge on their competition. Although a new play or move can always help, strengthening your body and arming it to prevent injury convey advantages that continues to pay dividends as the demands on your body increase.
Photo: trxtraining.com
3 TRX Exercises for Athletes
The TRX Suspension Trainer is becoming a common sight in almost every gym and weight room in the country. Athletes at all levels, from pros like Drew Brees and Antonio Brown to people just starting a training program, can benefit from this incredibly versatile piece of equipment (find out more about the benefits of TRX workouts).
Former Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick created the Suspension Trainer as a way to get a full workout in the field with minimal equipment. He quickly found that the benefits go beyond portability and ease of use.
Standard TRX exercises tend to focus on a few muscle groups, which is great for building strength. Overall strength is important for athletes, but equally important are movement and body control. This is where the Suspension Trainer excels. TRX’s philosophy is “training movements, not muscle,” meaning that you increase strength, balance, stability, mobility and coordination at the same time.
If you’re wondering why this is so important for athletes, imagine a wide receiver launching into the air for a thrown ball and landing with his two feet just inbounds. If all of the factors above don’t work together, he won’t be able to reach for the ball while maintaining control, or to know intuitively how much to extend his legs to stay inbounds.
Also, since the TRX is unstable, it forces your core to remain engaged throughout every exercise, to resist movement and maintain control. Strength coach Eric Cressey has done extensive research on this subject, and he is a strong advocate of using the TRX for injury prevention. He says, “The bulk of our oblique strain prevention core training program should be movements that resist rotation.”
We spoke with fitness expert Karen Riccio, owner of The Pilates ABsession, and asked her for some of her favorite exercises to use with athletes. “[TRX] is the toughest piece of equipment I’ve ever worked with,” says Riccio. “You can guarantee an efficient and challenging workout with every use.” Below are three of her favorite exercises that target different areas of the body.
RELATED: Complete TRX 3-Day Full-Body Workout
Suspended Knee Tucks
Challenges your core and improves stability
Assume push-up or plank position with feet in TRX straps. Keep abs tight and back flat. Tuck knees into chest; keep back and hips parallel with floor. Extend legs to return to start position. Repeat for specified reps.
Sets/Reps: 3×10 with 30 seconds rest between sets
Suspended Push-Ups
Builds upper-body and core strength
Assume push-up position with hands grasping TRX straps. Perform Push-Up, keeping back flat and core tight. Repeat for specified reps.
Sets/Reps: 3×10 with 30 seconds rest between sets
Suspended Hamstring Curls
Increases hamstring strength and improves hip stability
Lie on back and place heels in TRX straps. Bend knees to 90 degrees and press hips to ceiling. Slowly straighten one leg at a time in alternating fashion; squeeze glutes throughout movement. Repeat for specified reps.
Sets/Reps: 3×10 with 30 seconds rest between sets
Athletes are always in search of new and exciting ways to get an edge on their competition. Although a new play or move can always help, strengthening your body and arming it to prevent injury convey advantages that continues to pay dividends as the demands on your body increase.
Photo: trxtraining.com