3 Kettlebell Exercises You’ve Probably Never Seen (VIDEOS)
Kettlebells are proving that something old can become new again.
The century-old weight-training system once used only by martial artists and the military has recently resurged to the mainstream. Once obscure, the kettlebell is now available almost everywhere.
Most kettlebells come packaged with instructional DVDs explaining the five fundamental exercises: Turkish Get-Up, Double or Single-Arm Swing, Clean, Snatch and Windmill.
If you’ve been training with kettlebells for awhile now, you’re probably bored with these common exercises. Enhance your training and take your performance to a new level with three new exercises.
Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press
How is a Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press different from other overhead presses? The cannonball part of a kettlebell loads more bulk onto the outside of the hand. Traditional Dumbbell and Barbell Presses typically load weight only on the inside of the hand. So a Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press demands a tremendous amount of grip strength as well as shoulder strength. Also, constantly keeping your wrist straight requires rock solid concentration and mental focus.
The following video displays how to safely and effectively perform the Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press. It also provides a few valuable coaching tips. Watch it entirely before you attempt the Press.
[youtube video=”S2A7Bl4DTjQ” /]Sets/Reps: 2 -3 x6-10 per arm (rest one to two minutes between sets)
Kettlebell Rotary Swing
General kettlebell exercises don’t contribute enough rotation to mimic the force and movement patterns performed in most sports. The Kettlebell Rotary Swing uses the kettlebell’s design to enhance this crucial rotary strength and power.
Watch the following video to learn how to safely and effectively perform the Performance U’s Kettlebell Rotary Swing.
[youtube video=”KN-cZBkLf9M” /]Set/Reps: 4-6×6-9 per side. (rest one to two minutes between sets)
Kettlebell Clinch Pull-Up
This exercise was designed to help our professional and amateur MMA and Muay Thai Fighters improve their clinch strength. This is where a fighter grabs the crown of an opponent’s head to pull it down. It allows them to control their body while throwing a knee strike. But you don’t have to be a combat athlete to use the Kettlebell Clinch Pull-Up. It offers a new pull variation to help you strengthen your forearms, wrists and hands.
Sets/Reps: 4-6xmax (rest one to two minutes between sets)
- Hang a kettlebell from a chin-up bar with a heavy-duty utility strap and a carabineer.
- Wrap your hands around each side of the kettlebell (as if it were an opponent’s head).
- Perform a traditional style Pull-Up making sure to touch your chest to the kettlebell on each rep.
3 Kettlebell Exercises You’ve Probably Never Seen (VIDEOS)
Kettlebells are proving that something old can become new again.
The century-old weight-training system once used only by martial artists and the military has recently resurged to the mainstream. Once obscure, the kettlebell is now available almost everywhere.
Most kettlebells come packaged with instructional DVDs explaining the five fundamental exercises: Turkish Get-Up, Double or Single-Arm Swing, Clean, Snatch and Windmill.
If you’ve been training with kettlebells for awhile now, you’re probably bored with these common exercises. Enhance your training and take your performance to a new level with three new exercises.
Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press
How is a Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press different from other overhead presses? The cannonball part of a kettlebell loads more bulk onto the outside of the hand. Traditional Dumbbell and Barbell Presses typically load weight only on the inside of the hand. So a Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press demands a tremendous amount of grip strength as well as shoulder strength. Also, constantly keeping your wrist straight requires rock solid concentration and mental focus.
The following video displays how to safely and effectively perform the Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Press. It also provides a few valuable coaching tips. Watch it entirely before you attempt the Press.
Sets/Reps: 2 -3 x6-10 per arm (rest one to two minutes between sets)
Kettlebell Rotary Swing
General kettlebell exercises don’t contribute enough rotation to mimic the force and movement patterns performed in most sports. The Kettlebell Rotary Swing uses the kettlebell’s design to enhance this crucial rotary strength and power.
Watch the following video to learn how to safely and effectively perform the Performance U’s Kettlebell Rotary Swing.
[youtube video=”KN-cZBkLf9M” /]Set/Reps: 4-6×6-9 per side. (rest one to two minutes between sets)
Kettlebell Clinch Pull-Up
This exercise was designed to help our professional and amateur MMA and Muay Thai Fighters improve their clinch strength. This is where a fighter grabs the crown of an opponent’s head to pull it down. It allows them to control their body while throwing a knee strike. But you don’t have to be a combat athlete to use the Kettlebell Clinch Pull-Up. It offers a new pull variation to help you strengthen your forearms, wrists and hands.
Sets/Reps: 4-6xmax (rest one to two minutes between sets)
- Hang a kettlebell from a chin-up bar with a heavy-duty utility strap and a carabineer.
- Wrap your hands around each side of the kettlebell (as if it were an opponent’s head).
- Perform a traditional style Pull-Up making sure to touch your chest to the kettlebell on each rep.