Watch This Personal Trainer Take Punches Like a Beast Thanks to His Superhuman Core Strength
Want to watch a dude get absolutely whaled on while he works out?
Let’s watch a dude get absolutely whaled on while he works out.
[instagram src=””]Well, my stomach hurts.
That’s Lewis Ford, a personal trainer and bodybuilder based in the Philadelphia area. Ford, who is nicknamed “The ANF Action Figure” (ANF stands for all-natural fitness) on social media, currently boasts over 25,000 followers on Instagram.
“I have been training my abs hard for the last six years along with a compliant nutrition plan. My mindset has always been to push my body past any ‘preconceived’ normality. I have a major issue with conformity, I believe that it robs us of our natural ability to create,” writes Ford in the caption of the clip.
That’s all well and good, but is getting socked in the stomach actually good for your core?
Sort of. Boxers and professional fighters often use the technique to train their bodies for the blows they will take in a fight. Here’s Conor McGregor doing it between sets of Suitcase Crunches:
But aside from fighters, it’s more of a way to show off than an effective form of training. Taking those blows does require you to tense your core, but there are plenty of other exercises that do that more effectively and more safely (such as Ab Roll-Outs). Ford’s six-pack is rock solid, no doubt, but unless you want to wake up with a sore stomach, we don’t recommend stealing his moves.
Watch This Personal Trainer Take Punches Like a Beast Thanks to His Superhuman Core Strength
Want to watch a dude get absolutely whaled on while he works out?
Let’s watch a dude get absolutely whaled on while he works out.
Well, my stomach hurts.
That’s Lewis Ford, a personal trainer and bodybuilder based in the Philadelphia area. Ford, who is nicknamed “The ANF Action Figure” (ANF stands for all-natural fitness) on social media, currently boasts over 25,000 followers on Instagram.
“I have been training my abs hard for the last six years along with a compliant nutrition plan. My mindset has always been to push my body past any ‘preconceived’ normality. I have a major issue with conformity, I believe that it robs us of our natural ability to create,” writes Ford in the caption of the clip.
That’s all well and good, but is getting socked in the stomach actually good for your core?
Sort of. Boxers and professional fighters often use the technique to train their bodies for the blows they will take in a fight. Here’s Conor McGregor doing it between sets of Suitcase Crunches:
[youtube video=”ia9XqvJ4Npc”]But aside from fighters, it’s more of a way to show off than an effective form of training. Taking those blows does require you to tense your core, but there are plenty of other exercises that do that more effectively and more safely (such as Ab Roll-Outs). Ford’s six-pack is rock solid, no doubt, but unless you want to wake up with a sore stomach, we don’t recommend stealing his moves.