Why Coaches and Parents Should Avoid Placing Too Much Emphasis on Team and Individual Results
Fall season playoff time can be intense, hyper-competitive, exhilarating or heartbreaking. These moments are great opportunities to focus on teachable moments. Whether your team dominates a rival or is on the losing end of a last-second thriller, there is a moment where life lessons can be learned. Coaches and parents, we ask you to take the time this season to not just focus on the scoreboard result of your child’s game but try to pull out moments throughout the postseason in which your athlete grew as a person.
So as you watch your team or your child throughout this postseason, make an effort to discuss their effort goals rather than the results on the scoreboard. We all want to end the season with a win but when that is not the case we can still recognize smaller wins that were reached.
Here are a few tips on how to recognize the teachable moments with your children:
- “Ask rather than tell.”
- Identify both positive and negative life lessons.
- Find examples of your child, teammates or opponents thanking officials.
- Notice when either your child or a friend pick up their teammates and/or opponents.
To find this full resource and over 2,000 others from Positive Coaching Alliance, head over to pcadevzone.org.
Positive Coaching Alliance is dedicated to building Better Athletes, Better People and is a proud contributor to STACK.
Why Coaches and Parents Should Avoid Placing Too Much Emphasis on Team and Individual Results
Fall season playoff time can be intense, hyper-competitive, exhilarating or heartbreaking. These moments are great opportunities to focus on teachable moments. Whether your team dominates a rival or is on the losing end of a last-second thriller, there is a moment where life lessons can be learned. Coaches and parents, we ask you to take the time this season to not just focus on the scoreboard result of your child’s game but try to pull out moments throughout the postseason in which your athlete grew as a person.
So as you watch your team or your child throughout this postseason, make an effort to discuss their effort goals rather than the results on the scoreboard. We all want to end the season with a win but when that is not the case we can still recognize smaller wins that were reached.
Here are a few tips on how to recognize the teachable moments with your children:
- “Ask rather than tell.”
- Identify both positive and negative life lessons.
- Find examples of your child, teammates or opponents thanking officials.
- Notice when either your child or a friend pick up their teammates and/or opponents.
To find this full resource and over 2,000 others from Positive Coaching Alliance, head over to pcadevzone.org.
Positive Coaching Alliance is dedicated to building Better Athletes, Better People and is a proud contributor to STACK.