Pitt’s Wrestling Cradle Tips
You wanna get the ref’s hand slapping the mat in your favor, right? Try twisting your opponent into a pretzel using a cradle. According to Jason Peters, assistant coach of the nationally ranked Pittsburgh Panthers, pinning an opponent in a high-level wrestling match is hard to do, but there are ways to make him vulnerable.
“Pinning on a high level comes from your ability to wear an opponent down, so you can get him in a vulnerable position where you can apply a cradle,” Peters says.
Here are some of Peters’ cradling tips you can use to cement your opponent to the mat.
• Apply the cradle when your opponent’s head is near his knee
• Create a vice by locking your hands and pinching your elbows together
• Keep your hands close to your core—your most powerful region—at all times
• Extend your arms when applying the cradle
• Force your opponent’s head to his knee; look for it when it happens naturally
• Attempt a cradle until you have drilled it numerous times and are comfortable using the technique
Pitt’s Wrestling Cradle Tips
You wanna get the ref’s hand slapping the mat in your favor, right? Try twisting your opponent into a pretzel using a cradle. According to Jason Peters, assistant coach of the nationally ranked Pittsburgh Panthers, pinning an opponent in a high-level wrestling match is hard to do, but there are ways to make him vulnerable.
“Pinning on a high level comes from your ability to wear an opponent down, so you can get him in a vulnerable position where you can apply a cradle,” Peters says.
Here are some of Peters’ cradling tips you can use to cement your opponent to the mat.
• Apply the cradle when your opponent’s head is near his knee
• Create a vice by locking your hands and pinching your elbows together
• Keep your hands close to your core—your most powerful region—at all times
• Extend your arms when applying the cradle
• Force your opponent’s head to his knee; look for it when it happens naturally
• Attempt a cradle until you have drilled it numerous times and are comfortable using the technique