Style Tip: How to Properly Care for a Suit
You recently invested in your first suit—for a sports banquet, homecoming dance or National Signing Day. You should do your best to take proper measures to preserve your wardrobe investment. says that “suit care is simple, if you just follow some common sense rules about it.”
Here are a few of their tips to extend your suit’s useful life:
- Storage: Always place the suit on a hanger, upright in a closet. Give it plenty of air, and check frequently for moths [which have a nasty habit of chewing up suits].
- Moths: Dried lavender leaves and cedar hangers help a great deal. Mothballs are time-tested, but they have a downside [like an awful smell].
- Reconsider Wool: Finer wool has the drawback of wearing out faster and showing its age quicker; coarser wool will last longer.
- Day-to-Day Wear: Give your suit at least a day of rest after each wearing.
- Pressing: Suits can be professionally pressed if they get badly wrinkled, but a handheld fabric steamer and trouser press are usually sufficient to make a suit look respectable.
- Cleaning: A clothes brush and hand steamer will remove most stains; have your suit professionally cleaned only when absolutely necessary.
For the entire article detailing how to properly care for a suit, visit
Style Tip: How to Properly Care for a Suit
You recently invested in your first suit—for a sports banquet, homecoming dance or National Signing Day. You should do your best to take proper measures to preserve your wardrobe investment. says that “suit care is simple, if you just follow some common sense rules about it.”
Here are a few of their tips to extend your suit’s useful life:
- Storage: Always place the suit on a hanger, upright in a closet. Give it plenty of air, and check frequently for moths [which have a nasty habit of chewing up suits].
- Moths: Dried lavender leaves and cedar hangers help a great deal. Mothballs are time-tested, but they have a downside [like an awful smell].
- Reconsider Wool: Finer wool has the drawback of wearing out faster and showing its age quicker; coarser wool will last longer.
- Day-to-Day Wear: Give your suit at least a day of rest after each wearing.
- Pressing: Suits can be professionally pressed if they get badly wrinkled, but a handheld fabric steamer and trouser press are usually sufficient to make a suit look respectable.
- Cleaning: A clothes brush and hand steamer will remove most stains; have your suit professionally cleaned only when absolutely necessary.
For the entire article detailing how to properly care for a suit, visit