The Very Worst Ways to Use a Pulldown Bar
To show you what not to do, each Friday STACK brings you a moment from the weight room or sports field gone horribly wrong.
If you struggle with Lat Pulldowns, you can get better one of two ways:
- Read solid advice from a certified expert
- Watch hilarious videos of people doing the exact opposite of what you’re supposed to do.
Although some may argue that expert advice is slightly more helpful, we find the video approach more rewarding. Here are five Lat Pulldown techniques you should never try.
The K.O.
[youtube video=”xernRUfk5wE” /]You know how you’re not supposed to hold the bar under your chin? This is why.
The Hercules
[youtube video=”VwUhkxU0_bo” /]The best part of this video isn’t the mountain of canned goods in the background or the giant stack of plates this guy’s trying to lift. It’s the sad stare that comes about 10 seconds into the clip. That stare speaks volumes.
The Innovator
[youtube video=”zGQ23X6hGXA” /]The best guy in the weight room is the guy who comes up with his own exercises.
The Bird of Prey
[youtube video=”lv78fNWrMzI” /]Don’t do drugs before going to the gym.
The Peter Pan
[youtube video=”9u4GioVDF5I” /]Seriously. Don’t do drugs.
Read more Fitness Fail Friday
The Very Worst Ways to Use a Pulldown Bar
To show you what not to do, each Friday STACK brings you a moment from the weight room or sports field gone horribly wrong.
If you struggle with Lat Pulldowns, you can get better one of two ways:
- Read solid advice from a certified expert
- Watch hilarious videos of people doing the exact opposite of what you’re supposed to do.
Although some may argue that expert advice is slightly more helpful, we find the video approach more rewarding. Here are five Lat Pulldown techniques you should never try.
The K.O.
[youtube video=”xernRUfk5wE” /]You know how you’re not supposed to hold the bar under your chin? This is why.
The Hercules
[youtube video=”VwUhkxU0_bo” /]The best part of this video isn’t the mountain of canned goods in the background or the giant stack of plates this guy’s trying to lift. It’s the sad stare that comes about 10 seconds into the clip. That stare speaks volumes.
The Innovator
[youtube video=”zGQ23X6hGXA” /]The best guy in the weight room is the guy who comes up with his own exercises.
The Bird of Prey
[youtube video=”lv78fNWrMzI” /]Don’t do drugs before going to the gym.
The Peter Pan
[youtube video=”9u4GioVDF5I” /]Seriously. Don’t do drugs.
Read more Fitness Fail Friday