New Research Shows Aerobic Activity Shortly After Sustaining a Concussion Drastically Decreases Recovery Time
For decades, the prescription for a concussion was rest, rest and more rest. Only once the symptoms subsided should exercise resume. But new research from the University of Toronto shows [...]
World Champion Rower Kendall Chase Discusses the Demands of the Sport and Why Rowing is Such a Great Workout
Rowing is one of the most physically demanding sports out there. Not only do rowers require incredible endurance, they need to be strong and powerful to propel their boats through [...]
The New Type of Elliptical Machine That Burns Fat Faster and Works Your Glutes and Core Harder
The elliptical is a staple of the modern gym. That doesn’t mean it’s a great machine. While the elliptical is certainly better than nothing, many athletes and fitness junkies find [...]
A Bunch of NFL Players Are Getting Crushed by a New Conditioning Workout This Off-Season
In a recent Instagram post, Todd Durkin of Fitness Quest 10 showed off a new conditioning routine he’s using to train Drew Brees, Darren Sproles and Gerald McCoy for the [...]
30-Minute HIIT Fat-Burning Workout
You don't need always need a treadmill, elliptical or rowing machine to burn tons of fat on your body. Take your metabolism into high gear with this 30...
WATCH: Steelers Defenders Bench Press and Do Cardio in Dress Shirts and Ties
In case you haven't been keeping up with Pittsburgh Steelers LB James Harrison's Instagram workout updates, know that he can Deadlift 450 pounds on the trap bar and perform Push-Ups [...]
4 HIIT Workouts That Will Get You in Shape Fast
If you're tired of doing several rounds of steady state cardio for 30, 45, or even 60 minutes at a time then it's time you learn about HIIT. High...
I Do Cardio Workouts But I’m Still Fat. What’s Wrong?
I get asked this question all the time, over and over and people seem so adamant about how hard they are working to get lean n "toned" and that they...
How Does Walking Compare to the Elliptical Machine?
Using the elliptical machine and walking or running for exercise have several similarities. Both offer the cardiovascular benefits of raising your heart rate, increasing blood flow and delivering oxygen throughout [...]
How to Train With a Hamstring Injury
If you have a hamstring injury, you don't have to sit around for weeks doing nothing waiting for it to heal. Intelligently adjusting your workouts to avoid aggravating the injury [...]