Sports Medicine
Health Benefits of Cherries
Tart cherry juice (and cherries in general) has an abundance of positive attributes for our overall health.
A World-Renowned Sports Surgeon Urges You to Stop Using These 6 Dumb Exercises
You can exercise for fun, or for training, or both. Exercise wisely, in ways that help you in sports or your daily life. But don’t do exercises that are useless, [...]
Why We’ve Been Dealing With Injuries Wrong for 4 Decades
1978 – a year in which average gas price was $0.63, Jimmy Carter was president of the United States, Kobe Bryant was born and Pete Rose hit his 3000th...
How This Cutting-Edge Technology is Making Pro and Collegiate Athletes Stronger and Faster
Strength and conditioning is an art. You can create the best training program in the world, but things don’t always go as planned. No two athletes are alike. Some have [...]
When Your Cramps Have Nothing to Do with Hydration or Electrolytes
When a cramp strikes during a game or practice, most people chalk it up to inadequate hydration or lack of electrolytes. That is often the case. According to Dr. Jordan [...]
Why Better Conditioned Athletes Have Fewer Injuries
Injuries happen in sports. Sometimes they're because an athlete's body is unprepared for intense athletic movements. Sometimes they're just bad luck. If we accept that injuries happen and do nothing [...]
Leading Doctor Changes Tune, Says You Shouldn’t Ice Injuries or for Recovery
R.I.C.E., which stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, has been a go-to treatment for sports injuries and muscle soreness for decades. But Gabe Mirkin, the doctor who coined the term, [...]
How to Prevent Baseball Injuries During the Off-Season
So much emphasis is placed on peaking our athletes for tryouts and the start of the season. Moving forward, great strides have been made in creating...
Build Hockey Speed and Power with the Hang Clean
Hockey speed and power is improved upon by utilizing various off-ice exercises, namely found through different power oriented and Olympic lifting...
Inflammation and Athletes: The Hidden Problem That’s Bigger Than You Think
Inflammation is bad, and you have to eat anti-inflammatory foods. I’m sure you’ve heard this statement before. It may not seem like an immediate issue, but ignoring inflammation can derail [...]