Core Strength: Not Just the Abdominal Muscles
Training the core is more complicated than simply performing Sit-Ups and engaging the abdominal muscles. A strong core also means strengthening the muscles of the hips, shoulders and spine.
Since a powerful core provides the stable base needed for all athletic movements, training the core has become essential for sports performance and rehabilitation. Improve your power and explosiveness and reduce your risk of injury with the following exercises.
Be slow and controlled with your movements. Doing these exercises too quickly or with improper form will not activate the muscles in the right way.
Perform each exercise to a point of slight muscle fatigue. The core muscles are endurance muscles, so you need to keep them strong for a full practice or game.
Hip Abductor Muscles
Side-Lying Hip Circles
Sidestepping with band around both ankles
Hip Extensor Muscles
Hip External Rotators
Side-Lying Clamshells
Standing Hip Rotation with band around both knees
Scapular, or Shoulder-Blade, Muscles
Spine muscles
Deep Abdominal Muscles and Obliques
Core Strength: Not Just the Abdominal Muscles
Training the core is more complicated than simply performing Sit-Ups and engaging the abdominal muscles. A strong core also means strengthening the muscles of the hips, shoulders and spine.
Since a powerful core provides the stable base needed for all athletic movements, training the core has become essential for sports performance and rehabilitation. Improve your power and explosiveness and reduce your risk of injury with the following exercises.
Be slow and controlled with your movements. Doing these exercises too quickly or with improper form will not activate the muscles in the right way.
Perform each exercise to a point of slight muscle fatigue. The core muscles are endurance muscles, so you need to keep them strong for a full practice or game.
Hip Abductor Muscles
Side-Lying Hip Circles
Sidestepping with band around both ankles
Hip Extensor Muscles
Hip External Rotators
Side-Lying Clamshells
Standing Hip Rotation with band around both knees