Track Star Infinite Tucker Goes Viral After Incredible Finish Line Dive to Win Gold
With his lead quickly evaporating during the final stretch of the 400-meter hurdles at the 2019 SEC Track & Field Championships, Infinite Tucker decided he was going to leave it all on the track.
The result were some bumps and bruises to go along with his gold medal:
Infinite Tucker pulls out a track & field rarity — a dive — to beat out his teammate (H/T @steph_steeples)
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) May 12, 2019
Tucker had finished second in the same event at the SEC Championships a year earlier, and was clearly determined not to let that happen again. “Look. I closed my eyes over hurdle 10. I opened it, saw my ma at the finish, and I jumped to give her a hug,” Tucker, a junior from Texas A&M, told ESPN after the race. “That’s all it is.”
Did diving really help him finish with a superior time? It’s hard to say—a 2012 examination of the topic by Runner’s World found diving for the finish line is more likely to result in a slower time if anything. But Tucker got the gold, and we can’t hate on that level of dedication.
Track Star Infinite Tucker Goes Viral After Incredible Finish Line Dive to Win Gold
With his lead quickly evaporating during the final stretch of the 400-meter hurdles at the 2019 SEC Track & Field Championships, Infinite Tucker decided he was going to leave it all on the track.
The result were some bumps and bruises to go along with his gold medal:
Infinite Tucker pulls out a track & field rarity — a dive — to beat out his teammate (H/T @steph_steeples)
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) May 12, 2019
Tucker had finished second in the same event at the SEC Championships a year earlier, and was clearly determined not to let that happen again. “Look. I closed my eyes over hurdle 10. I opened it, saw my ma at the finish, and I jumped to give her a hug,” Tucker, a junior from Texas A&M, told ESPN after the race. “That’s all it is.”
Did diving really help him finish with a superior time? It’s hard to say—a 2012 examination of the topic by Runner’s World found diving for the finish line is more likely to result in a slower time if anything. But Tucker got the gold, and we can’t hate on that level of dedication.