An Open Letter to Youth Athletes
Dear Youth Athlete, You’re not a soccer player. You’re not a basketball player. You’re not a volleyball player. You’re not a hockey player. You’re a kid. In fact, you’re a [...]
My Favorite Speed Drills for Soccer Players
"What is the answer to speed development?" Soccer players, soccer parents and soccer coaches, alike, often ponder this question. In one corner, you have the coach who says running nothing [...]
5 Ways Young Athletes Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Sports are filled with a tremendous amount of physical duress. From getting kicked to being knocked down, scraping knees to bruising bones, turf burn to torn ligaments. The physical side [...]
An Open Letter to Strong Female Athletes
This article originally appeared on Dear Strong Female Athlete, Take up space. In fact, so much space that the world rumbles from your strength, people’s hearts vibrate from how [...]
Why In-Season Strength Training Is Essential for Soccer Players
"In-season training is not necessary," one youth soccer coach once uttered to me. "My kid is too busy to make time for in-season strength training," one parent has told me, [...]
5 Soccer Training Drills Actually Worth Your Time
"Decelerate!" "Pump your arms!" "Sprint!" "Faster!" Ever heard a coach barking a rolling list of orders that actually made their players perform worse and be more frantic? I know I [...]