Why You Need a Bedtime Snack
Sleep, necessary to rebuild damaged muscles, rest the heart, and mentally recharge you for a new day of training. During the 7-10 hours you spend...
The 7 Best Nuts for Your Health and Performance
Nuts are bite sized powerhouses loaded with healthy fat, protein, vitamins, and minerals to keep every athlete well fueled. These concentrated sources...
Why Chicken Soup Strengthens Your Immune System
Think you are a pillar of health? Studies show following exhaustive exercise the immune system is depressed, increasing the risk of infection....
Post-Holiday Chocolate Health Benefits
If you are looking to justify some indulgences this holiday season, scientists have uncovered health benefits from eating chocolate (health) which might...
Coconut Sugar: What Is It, and Is It Good for You?
One of the newest sweeteners to show up in grocery stores is coconut sugar. It is a minimally processed natural sugar made from dried coconut palm...
How Fatty Is Your Thanksgiving?
Times have changed since 1621 when the pilgrims and Indians chowed down for the first Thanksgiving. Their meal likely consisted of venison, turkey,...