The Best Dryland Cardio for Swimmers and Triathletes
Swimmers have unique metabolic and mechanical needs when it comes to sport-specific training. They spend so much time in the water, because it is...
Crush Your Obliques With This Side Plank Variation
Given that we know the purpose of the core muscles is to resist movement to protect the spine and support the visceral organs, rather than to...
Fix Your Lat Pulldown Form to Build a Strong Back
The latissimus dorsi is the largest back muscle spanning the whole width of your back and running vertically from your tailbone to your shoulder blades....
Why Reverse Lunges Are Better Than Forward Lunges
The reverse lunge, or step-back lunge, is an under appreciated variation of one of the most popular leg exercises. Walking lunge, dynamic forward lunge,...
The Total-Body, Crunch-Free Ab Workout
Crunches, sit-ups, leg-lifts, and more crunches; everyone wants a good ab workout. A quick internet search will turn up countless crunching, curling,...
Are Tight Hips Slowing You Down?
The "hip flexors" are the iliacus and psoas major, but the sartorious and rectus femoris are also powerful flexors of the hip and thetensor fasciae...