Top 3 Glute Exercises You Should be Doing as an Athlete
Glute training is still one of the most popular training methods on the market, with no signs of slowing down. And with good reason. There is about as much real-world [...]
Pre-Workout Nutrition Protocols for Athletes
This refers to the specific timing of nutrient intake- aka nutrient timing- before, during, and after your workout. The proposed idea historically is that if you eat certain types of [...]
Which Muscles Should You Really Stretch? Part 2
In part #1 you were introduced to a foundational stretching principle and gained valuable practical insight into how to go about selecting stretches for specific joints of the lower body. [...]
Sprint Technique Review: Part 3-Stride Rate vs. Stride Length Explained
Stride Rate vs. Stride LengthStride Rate vs. Stride Length Speed is commonly said to be the product of running speed. Stride rate is simply the number of strides taken in [...]
Which Muscles Should You Really Stretch? Part 1
It's more than safe to say that the notion of stretching for athletes hasn't lost any traction in recent times. Like core training, I don't think that it ever will, [...]
Sprint Technique Review: Part 2-Proper Arm Drive
Long live the elbow tuckFor as long as I can remember now, coaches in any sports realm have been advocating keeping the elbows tucked to run faster. Unfortunately, this information [...]