Already Mastered Box Jumps? Here’s How to Take Your Jump Training to the Next Level
This article is part 3 in a four-part series on programming and progressing jump training for field sport athletes. Read Parts 1 and 2 here. Let's look at how to [...]
Why Learning How to Stick Your Jumps is a Critical Part of Jump Training
This article is part 2 of a four-part series on programming and progressing jump training for field sport athletes. Part one is here. You want to become an explosive athlete [...]
Why the Incredible Benefits of Jump Training Go Far Beyond a Higher Vertical
This article is Part 1 in a four-part series on programming and progressing jump training for field sport athletes Jump training is one of the most popular methods field sport [...]
Hate Jogging? Sled Walk Drills Are The Perfect Alternative
The sled has become a popular training tool in recent years. It's mostly used to improve acceleration and/or anaerobic conditioning. What many athletes and coaches don't realize is that sled [...]
Why 8 Hours of Sleep Shouldn’t Be the Goal for Athletes
We have all heard that athletes need at least eight hours of sleep per night to perform at a high level. But just how true is that? Is this one [...]
Boost Your Athletic ‘Elasticity’ With This Depth Jump Variation
Depth Jumps are one of the most popular advanced jump exercises used to develop explosive power. The most common way to execute a Depth Jump is by simply stepping off [...]