Spotting a Snake Oil Salesman: 4 Telltale Signs of a Terrible Trainer
As a parent, you understand that participating in youth athletics forces your kid to learn how to deal with challenges and adversity. Losses are a part of the process. Still, [...]
A Simple Exercise to Fix Bad Posture Fast
What do your average desk jockey and gym rat have in common? At first glance, not much. They eat differently, they train differently and they live differently. But for all [...]
Why You Should Squat With a Safety Bar Even If You Aren’t Injured
Over the past decade, we've witnessed a noticeable paradigm shift in the strength and conditioning industry. Whereas heavy Back Squats once reigned as the king of all lower-body exercises, many [...]
Not Getting Faster? Your ‘Speed Training’ Might Actually Be Conditioning Work
There’s a track near my place where high school soccer and hockey players train in the summer. A typical “speed workout” I witness often goes like this: The athletes run [...]
5 Strength Training Tips for High School Hockey Players
If you're a high school hockey player, I've got great news for you. You're old enough to start lifting weights for real. You enter the Iron Game because you realize [...]
The Weight Training ‘Rule’ That’s Actually Making You Weaker
They often think their final working set of the day must be the heaviest.