Build a Strong Set of Abs Without Training Abs
If you lift weights at a gym with any regularity, you get into a routine. It's human nature. Just like when you sit in the same spot on the couch [...]
The One (or two) Exercises to do When You Don’t Have Time to Workout
It can be tough being a student-athlete. Everyone says school comes first, but let's be honest: being an athlete first can sometimes be more tempting and even more demanding. School [...]
Should Athletes Wear Minimalist Shoes?
Should Athletes Wear Minimalist Shoes?Of all athletes' clothes, none garner more attention than the shoes. And I'm not just referring to games, where athletes generally don't have a choice in [...]
Baseball Players: Pull More than You Push
Elbows and Racecars"What's it like to drive a Formula One racecar? Imagine driving 70mph in your neighborhood and pulling into your driveway." I remember reading that quote as a kid [...]
The Absolute Most Simple Way to Get Faster
Forget the Exercise Science DegreeWe are living in a remarkable time in sports. Athletes are bigger, stronger, faster than ever. And this is on a global scale. We see it [...]
The Kettlebell: The Do It All Tool for Athletes
"The Kettlebell is an Ancient Russian Weapon Against Weakness." -Pavel TsatsoulineThe kettlebell, or girya as originally called in Russia, is a much-misunderstood tool. It is so misunderstood that many people [...]