New ‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ Trailer Highlights Multiplayer
Sledgehammer Games has released a new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer that puts the game’s multiplayer mode on full display. Check it out below.
The clip highlights the exosuit, which will equip gamers with new abilities and better weapons. The exosuit is already being compared to Titanfall‘s exowear, but Sledgehammer general manager Glen Schofield says Titanfall did not influence his team’s decisions. “We started before Modern Warfare 3 was shipped, and the exoskeleton was one of the first ideas,” he told Gamespot. “It was based on seeing it in medical journals, and the army had a very simple one at that time. Did we get anything from Titanfall? I’m gonna be completely honest with you. I’ve got a bunch of games stacked up that I need to play, and that happens to be one of them.”
Senior development director Aaron Halon also commented on the subject during an interview with Examiner. “The exoskeleton stuff, we were coming up with that—this is three years ago—and next thing we know, we’re reading papers on it,” he said. “We’ve had both the experience of coming up with the idea and then reading about it the next week, or reading about something and saying, ‘Whoa, that’s got to go in the game.’”
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be released Nov. 4 for Xbox 360, PS3, XBO, PS4 and PC.
[youtube video=”TCnoeg_WOko” /]RECOMMENDED FOR YOU
New ‘Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’ Trailer Highlights Multiplayer
Sledgehammer Games has released a new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer that puts the game’s multiplayer mode on full display. Check it out below.
The clip highlights the exosuit, which will equip gamers with new abilities and better weapons. The exosuit is already being compared to Titanfall‘s exowear, but Sledgehammer general manager Glen Schofield says Titanfall did not influence his team’s decisions. “We started before Modern Warfare 3 was shipped, and the exoskeleton was one of the first ideas,” he told Gamespot. “It was based on seeing it in medical journals, and the army had a very simple one at that time. Did we get anything from Titanfall? I’m gonna be completely honest with you. I’ve got a bunch of games stacked up that I need to play, and that happens to be one of them.”
Senior development director Aaron Halon also commented on the subject during an interview with Examiner. “The exoskeleton stuff, we were coming up with that—this is three years ago—and next thing we know, we’re reading papers on it,” he said. “We’ve had both the experience of coming up with the idea and then reading about it the next week, or reading about something and saying, ‘Whoa, that’s got to go in the game.’”
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be released Nov. 4 for Xbox 360, PS3, XBO, PS4 and PC.
[youtube video=”TCnoeg_WOko” /]