FULL WORKOUT: Colin Kaepernick’s Pre-Season Training
Colin Kaepernick performed the following workout, designed by Ryan Capretta of ProActive Sports Performance in Westlake Village, California, in the last few weeks of summer, just before NFL training camp. (Here’s what we learned about Kaepernick through our visit with him.) Although Kaepernick spent most of the off-season training with Chip Smith of CES Performance or Pete Bommarito of Bommarito Performance Systems, Capretta’s methods helped him fine-tune his elusiveness for the season ahead. “Quickness, agility, explosiveness—the drills incorporate all of those movements, so no matter what position you play, you’re getting good work that will transfer onto the field,” Kaepernick said.
Kap’s training session consisted of two components, field work and gym work. The complete set of exercises is listed below, with instructions on how to perform select exercises.
For the field work circuit, athletes form pairs and take on 12 stations. At each station, one athlete performs the exercise listed next to the letter “a” while the other performs active recovery or another action listed next to “b.” The partners then switch, until each one has performed both exercises twice.
Colin Kaepernick’s Beastly Speed and Conditioning Workout
Watch Kap’s On-Field Workout
Station 1
a) Prowler Push
How to: Grip the low handles on the prowler with your hands shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back flat, push forward.
Reps: 20 yards out and back with low handle grip
Kap says: “You get a lot of glute and quad work on this. You have to dig and push through fatigue. Ultimately, when you need to try and get through a defender, this is a drill that’ll help you.”
b) Foam roll quads and IT bands
Station 2
a) Partner Band-Resisted Shuffle to Cones
How to: Set up a 5 cones in a half circle, each one 5 yards from your starting point. Place a resistance band around your waist that’s tied to a partner to provide extra resistance. Standing equidistant from the 5 cones, began the drill by shuffling to and touching the farthest left cone before shuffling back to the starting point. To complete the drill, touch each of the 5 cones, returning to the starting point each time.
b) Resist partner performing drill
Station 3
a) Speed Ladder
How to: Quick feet in and out: line up just to the left of the ladder. To began, touch both your right and left feet in the first box, moving at a 45 degree angle. Then touch your right foot just outside the ladder as you move your left foot up to the second box. Then touch your left foot just outside the ladder as you move your right foot up to the second box. Follow this procedure to weave through the ladder, alternating right and left foot touches outside the ladder as you move through.
Down and back: line up facing the long side of the ladder. Touch both feet in the first box as you move forward. Then, touch both feet outside the ladder before backpedaling and touching both feet in the second box. Follow this two in, two out pattern as you move forward and backward through the ladder.
One-Foot Hops: simply start at the beginning of the ladder and jump in every box using one foot.
Kap says: “Ladder drills are important because as a quarterback I have to quickly move around a confined area. Being able to move on a dime is very important and the ladder helps me with that. I wasn’t good when I started, but the more I did them the better I got.”
b) Rest
Station 4
a) Band-Resisted Shuffle to Med Ball Lateral Toss
How to: Tie a band to a goal post and the other end around your waist. Line up with the goal post is directly behind you. Place a med ball on the ground about 3 yards directly to the right of your starting point, and have a partner stand on both sides of your starting point about 3 yards away. Shuffle to the right, pick up the med ball and throw it to the opposite side while remaining forward facing. A partner will catch the ball and put it on the ground. Shuffle again to pick it up and throw it to your other partner.
Reps: 2 tosses each side using 8-pound med ball
b) Catch med ball from partner
Station 5
a) 4-Cone Ball Shuffle
How to: Shuffle left to grab a ball off a cone, then shuffle right and snag the other ball. Sprint diagonally forward to place the balls atop two forward cones. Backpedal to the center, then sprint forward to finish.
Kap says: “The trick is to stabilize when you plant, then re-accelerate quickly.”
b) Rest
Station 6
a) 3-Way Jump Backs
How to: Stand facing away from the forward hurdle. When a partner says “go,” jump and rotate 180 degrees. On your partner’s call “left,” “right,” or “center,” hop over the hurdle in that direction and back as quickly as possible.
b) Call out directions to partner
Station 7
a) Prowler Push
How to: Grip the low handles on the prowler with your hands shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back flat, push forward.
Reps: 20 yards out and back with low handle grip
b) Foam roll quads and IT bands
Station 8
a) Side Shuffle Bag Drill
How to: Set up 5 bags on the ground, in parallel and about a yard apart. Began by facing either left or right, and remain facing that way as you shuffle over the bags as quickly as you can. When you shuffle over the last bag, turn forward and sprint 10 yards to finish the drill.
Reps: 2 times each way
b) Rest
Station 9
a) 4-Cone Drill
How to: Set up four cones in a square 4 yards apart. Start at the bottom left cone and sprint to the top left cone. Shuffle to the top right cone. Backpedal to the bottom right cone. Shuffle to the bottom left cone. Make sure to always go outside the cones and stay low throughout the drill. Alternate starting the drill at the bottom left cone and the bottom right cone.
b) Rest
Station 10
a) Lateral Tire Toss With Mini-Band Side Shuffle
How to: Begin holding a tire with a mini-band just above your ankles. Keeping your knees out and the band extended, bring the tire to your hip and explosively rotate to laterally throw it as far as you can. Side shuffle to the tire, pick it up and repeat the process.
Reps: 3 throws each side
Kap says: “The shuffle side to side after the throw gives that fatigue factor and makes you challenge yourself to see if you can get the same amount of power on your next throw as you did on your last one.”
b) Rest
Station 11
a) Water Log Carry
How to: Lift the log, secure it to your chest and walk forward, trying not to let the log sway as you go.
Distance: 10 yards out and back
Kap says: “My technique is just to pick it up and go. The more you stand and try to balance it, the more the water splashes back and forth.”
b) Band-Assisted Hamstring Stretch
Station 12
a) Sledgehammer Hits to Tire
How to: Standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width, use both hands to swing the sledgehammer above your head on either your left or right side, then swing it down into the tire as hard as you can. Immediately bring the sledgehammer back up and repeat the movement. Your feet should remain stationary. Repeat for a 10 count on one side before switching to the other.
Reps: 10 reps each side
b) Rest
Finisher: 3 Sideline-to-Sideline Springs (down and back) for time. Target time depends on position (Kap’s group, the fastest, had a target time of 14 seconds).
The following workout is performed in straight sets, meaning you do one set of each exercise, then move on to the next one with as little rest as possible. Training this way allows you to hit several muscle groups quickly, and the non-stop nature of the routine provides a conditioning benefit. There are two series of 16 moves. Perform each circuit once, resting for five minutes between circuits.
Colin Kaepernick’s Strength Workout
Watch Kap Get Strong
Circuit 1
1. Leg Press
How to: Place your feet shoulder-width apart on the footplate. Drive the weight away from you in a controlled manner until both legs are extended. Don’t lock your knees out at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 10
Kap says: “Leg Presses are a way to strengthen your legs completely. You’re going to get a little bit of hamstring, quad, glute and calves.”
2. Band-Resisted Wide-Stride Shuffle
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width and in a squat position. Keep your feet wide, your knees out and your butt down throughout the movement.
Reps: 2×5 yards down and back
3. Single-Leg Press
How to: Place one foot in the center of the footplate with your toes slightly out. Drive the weight away from you in a controlled manner until your leg is extended. Don’t lock out your knee at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 10
Kap says: “I like the single-leg work simply because it isn’t often as a quarterback that both of your feet are stationary and planted.”
4. Bridge with Mini-Band Clamshells
How to: With a mini-band just above your knees, get into a side plank position and place your elbow on a foam pad. Bend your knees so your feet are behind you at about an 80-degree angle. Keeping your feet together and your upper body stationary, externally rotate your top knee until it reaches shoulder-width. Lower your knee back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 10 each side
5. Mini-Band Shuffle
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width with mini-bands around your ankles and above your knees. Shuffle in one direction. Keep your feet wide and your butt down throughout the movement. Repeat in the other direction.
Distance: 10 yards down and back
6. Med Ball Tosses for Height
How to: Hold a medicine ball with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat, lower the ball to the ground, explode up and throw the ball as high as you can.
Reps: 8
Kap says: “Focus on getting your hips through and getting full extension when you let the ball go.”
7. Single-Leg Med Ball Slams
How to: Stand on one leg holding a medicine ball over your head. Bend forward at the waist, lower your torso and slam the med ball into the ground. Catch it off the bounce and raise it back over your head. Complete all reps on one leg, then switch sides.
Reps: 6 each side
8. Box Touches
How to: Stand on one foot atop a 12-inch box with your other foot behind you, toes touching the floor. Lift your foot up until your toes touch the box. Repeat 10 times, then switch feet.
Reps: 10 each foot
9. Swiss Ball Bridge with Kettlebell
How to: Begin in a low bridge position with your upper back on the Swiss ball, your feet flat on the floor and your butt eight inches above the ground. Place a foam pad on your lap with a kettlebell on top of it and a mini-band above your knees. Push from your heels and drive your butt up until your hips are fully extended and your thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 8
10. Squats
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width. Slowly lower yourself while keeping your hips back, your knees behind your toes and your feet flat on the ground. Once your thighs are parallel to the ground, push from your heels and explode up while keeping your knees out and behind your toes.
Reps: 10, using very light weight
Kap says: “Squats are one of the best workouts you can do. Really focus on pushing through your heels and engaging those glutes and quads.”
11. Explosive Keiser Squats
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width and lower yourself like you would for a normal squat. When your thighs are parallel to the ground, explode up and try to jump as high as possible.
Reps: 10×175 pounds, 5×200 pounds
Kap says: “The big thing is getting back to a power position at the bottom. That’s how you’re going to generate the most power. Then focus on exploding up and jumping through the machine.”
12. Dumbbell Squats with Mini-Band
How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place a mini-band around your upper legs and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lower into a squat until your thighs are slightly above parallel, then explode up to stand on your toes.
Reps: 5×25 pounds, 5×30 pounds, 5×35 pounds
13. Foam Roll Quads and IT Bands
14. Single-Leg BOSU RDLs
How to: Stand on your left foot on a BOSU with your right foot elevated behind you. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand. Bend forward at the waist and lower your torso until the dumbbell hangs just above your left foot. Engage your left glute to lift your torso to standing. Repeat until you complete all reps on one side, then switch legs.
Reps: 10 each leg
1. Leg Extensions
How to: Raise the weight until your legs are fully extended, then lower it in a controlled motion until your knees are almost bent at 90 degrees.
Reps: 10
2. Leg Press
How to: Place your feet shoulder-width apart on the footplate. Drive the weight away from you in a controlled manner until both legs are extended. Don’t lock out your knees at the top of the movement. Lower the weight with a count of four back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 8, with 4-second negative on each
3. Med Ball Unicycle Crunch
How to: Lie on your back with a med ball by each hip. Place your hands on the med balls and lift your feet 6 inches off the ground. Bring your left foot toward you until your left knee is bent at a 90-degree angle while keeping your right foot 6 inches off the floor. Push your left foot down and out and return it to its original position 6 inches off the ground. Repeat the movement with your right leg while you hold. The motion of your feet is like riding a bicycle.
Reps: 10 each leg
4. Single-Leg Press
How to: Place one foot in the center of the footplate with your toes slightly out. Drive the weight away from you in a controlled manner until your leg is extended without locking out your knee. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 10 each foot
5. Psoas Rollout on Lacrosse Ball
How to: Place a lacrosse ball on your psoas muscle (a few inches inside your hip). Lying face down, use your body weight to control the pressure. Move your body up and down and side to side to completely roll out the muscle.
6. Med Ball Lateral Toss
How to: Stand nearly perpendicular to a partner or a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and your eyes on your target. Bring the med ball down to just above your hip, then explosively rotate and launch the ball at your target. Keep your lower body stationary. Finish with your chest toward your target. Catch the ball and repeat the movement.
Reps: 6 each side
7. Kettlebell Swings
How to: Start in an athletic quarter-squat stance holding a kettlebell between your legs. Keeping your arms straight and elbows locked, push down through your heels to explode up and swing the kettlebell to about chin height. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.
Reps: 15
8. Walking Lunges
How to: Holding a dumbbell in each hand, step forward with one foot while keeping your other foot behind you on the ground. Keeping your front knee behind your toes, lower toward the ground until your front thigh is parallel to the ground and your back knee grazes it. Push from your front heel to explode up while keeping your chest up and return to starting position. Take your next step with the opposite foot and repeat until the set is complete.
Reps: 8 each leg
9. Physioball Leg Curl
How to: Lie on your back with your heels atop a physioball. Press up into a bridge position so only your head and shoulders are on the floor. Keeping your hips elevated, roll the ball toward your glutes with your heels, then slowly roll it back until your legs are straight.
Reps: 10
10. Squats
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width and a mini-band above your knees. Slowly lower yourself while keeping your hips back, your knees behind your toes and your feet flat on the ground. Once your thighs are parallel to the ground, push from your heels and explode up while keeping your knees out and behind your toes and your chest up.
Reps: 10×225 pounds with mini-band around knees
11. Explosive Keiser Squats
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width and lower yourself like you would for a normal squat. When your thighs are parallel to the ground, explode up and try to jump as high as possible.
Reps: 10×175 pounds, 5×200 pounds
12. BOSU Dumbbell Squats
How to: Stand on the flat side of a BOSU with your feet shoulder-width apart holding dumbbells on your shoulders with your elbows pointed forward. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground while keeping your knees behind your toes and your butt back. At the bottom of the movement, explode up through your heels while keeping your chest up, your knees up and your butt back.
Reps: 12
13. Foam Roll Quads and IT Bands
14. Dumbbell RDLs
How to: Begin with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees. Hold the dumbbells with an overhand grip at thigh level. Slowly bend at the waist while keeping your back straight and pushing your hips back. Keep your eyes up. When the dumbbells reach mid-shin, slowly bend back up while keeping your back straight and your hips back until you return to the starting position.
Reps: 10
Finisher: Group core work. Athletes gather in the middle of the gym and call out exercises to each other, with reps—e.g., “20 V-Ups,” “25 Russian Twists,” “20 Legs-to-the-Floor Crunches,” etc. until the group is finished.
Watch the video below to see how Kap earned his six-pack abs.
Colin Kaepernick’s Core Workout
Kap grinds through his finisher core workout
FULL WORKOUT: Colin Kaepernick’s Pre-Season Training
Colin Kaepernick performed the following workout, designed by Ryan Capretta of ProActive Sports Performance in Westlake Village, California, in the last few weeks of summer, just before NFL training camp. (Here’s what we learned about Kaepernick through our visit with him.) Although Kaepernick spent most of the off-season training with Chip Smith of CES Performance or Pete Bommarito of Bommarito Performance Systems, Capretta’s methods helped him fine-tune his elusiveness for the season ahead. “Quickness, agility, explosiveness—the drills incorporate all of those movements, so no matter what position you play, you’re getting good work that will transfer onto the field,” Kaepernick said.
Kap’s training session consisted of two components, field work and gym work. The complete set of exercises is listed below, with instructions on how to perform select exercises.
For the field work circuit, athletes form pairs and take on 12 stations. At each station, one athlete performs the exercise listed next to the letter “a” while the other performs active recovery or another action listed next to “b.” The partners then switch, until each one has performed both exercises twice.
Colin Kaepernick’s Beastly Speed and Conditioning Workout
Watch Kap’s On-Field Workout
Station 1
a) Prowler Push
How to: Grip the low handles on the prowler with your hands shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back flat, push forward.
Reps: 20 yards out and back with low handle grip
Kap says: “You get a lot of glute and quad work on this. You have to dig and push through fatigue. Ultimately, when you need to try and get through a defender, this is a drill that’ll help you.”
b) Foam roll quads and IT bands
Station 2
a) Partner Band-Resisted Shuffle to Cones
How to: Set up a 5 cones in a half circle, each one 5 yards from your starting point. Place a resistance band around your waist that’s tied to a partner to provide extra resistance. Standing equidistant from the 5 cones, began the drill by shuffling to and touching the farthest left cone before shuffling back to the starting point. To complete the drill, touch each of the 5 cones, returning to the starting point each time.
b) Resist partner performing drill
Station 3
a) Speed Ladder
How to: Quick feet in and out: line up just to the left of the ladder. To began, touch both your right and left feet in the first box, moving at a 45 degree angle. Then touch your right foot just outside the ladder as you move your left foot up to the second box. Then touch your left foot just outside the ladder as you move your right foot up to the second box. Follow this procedure to weave through the ladder, alternating right and left foot touches outside the ladder as you move through.
Down and back: line up facing the long side of the ladder. Touch both feet in the first box as you move forward. Then, touch both feet outside the ladder before backpedaling and touching both feet in the second box. Follow this two in, two out pattern as you move forward and backward through the ladder.
One-Foot Hops: simply start at the beginning of the ladder and jump in every box using one foot.
Kap says: “Ladder drills are important because as a quarterback I have to quickly move around a confined area. Being able to move on a dime is very important and the ladder helps me with that. I wasn’t good when I started, but the more I did them the better I got.”
b) Rest
Station 4
a) Band-Resisted Shuffle to Med Ball Lateral Toss
How to: Tie a band to a goal post and the other end around your waist. Line up with the goal post is directly behind you. Place a med ball on the ground about 3 yards directly to the right of your starting point, and have a partner stand on both sides of your starting point about 3 yards away. Shuffle to the right, pick up the med ball and throw it to the opposite side while remaining forward facing. A partner will catch the ball and put it on the ground. Shuffle again to pick it up and throw it to your other partner.
Reps: 2 tosses each side using 8-pound med ball
b) Catch med ball from partner
Station 5
a) 4-Cone Ball Shuffle
How to: Shuffle left to grab a ball off a cone, then shuffle right and snag the other ball. Sprint diagonally forward to place the balls atop two forward cones. Backpedal to the center, then sprint forward to finish.
Kap says: “The trick is to stabilize when you plant, then re-accelerate quickly.”
b) Rest
Station 6
a) 3-Way Jump Backs
How to: Stand facing away from the forward hurdle. When a partner says “go,” jump and rotate 180 degrees. On your partner’s call “left,” “right,” or “center,” hop over the hurdle in that direction and back as quickly as possible.
b) Call out directions to partner
Station 7
a) Prowler Push
How to: Grip the low handles on the prowler with your hands shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back flat, push forward.
Reps: 20 yards out and back with low handle grip
b) Foam roll quads and IT bands
Station 8
a) Side Shuffle Bag Drill
How to: Set up 5 bags on the ground, in parallel and about a yard apart. Began by facing either left or right, and remain facing that way as you shuffle over the bags as quickly as you can. When you shuffle over the last bag, turn forward and sprint 10 yards to finish the drill.
Reps: 2 times each way
b) Rest
Station 9
a) 4-Cone Drill
How to: Set up four cones in a square 4 yards apart. Start at the bottom left cone and sprint to the top left cone. Shuffle to the top right cone. Backpedal to the bottom right cone. Shuffle to the bottom left cone. Make sure to always go outside the cones and stay low throughout the drill. Alternate starting the drill at the bottom left cone and the bottom right cone.
b) Rest
Station 10
a) Lateral Tire Toss With Mini-Band Side Shuffle
How to: Begin holding a tire with a mini-band just above your ankles. Keeping your knees out and the band extended, bring the tire to your hip and explosively rotate to laterally throw it as far as you can. Side shuffle to the tire, pick it up and repeat the process.
Reps: 3 throws each side
Kap says: “The shuffle side to side after the throw gives that fatigue factor and makes you challenge yourself to see if you can get the same amount of power on your next throw as you did on your last one.”
b) Rest
Station 11
a) Water Log Carry
How to: Lift the log, secure it to your chest and walk forward, trying not to let the log sway as you go.
Distance: 10 yards out and back
Kap says: “My technique is just to pick it up and go. The more you stand and try to balance it, the more the water splashes back and forth.”
b) Band-Assisted Hamstring Stretch
Station 12
a) Sledgehammer Hits to Tire
How to: Standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width, use both hands to swing the sledgehammer above your head on either your left or right side, then swing it down into the tire as hard as you can. Immediately bring the sledgehammer back up and repeat the movement. Your feet should remain stationary. Repeat for a 10 count on one side before switching to the other.
Reps: 10 reps each side
b) Rest
Finisher: 3 Sideline-to-Sideline Springs (down and back) for time. Target time depends on position (Kap’s group, the fastest, had a target time of 14 seconds).
The following workout is performed in straight sets, meaning you do one set of each exercise, then move on to the next one with as little rest as possible. Training this way allows you to hit several muscle groups quickly, and the non-stop nature of the routine provides a conditioning benefit. There are two series of 16 moves. Perform each circuit once, resting for five minutes between circuits.
Colin Kaepernick’s Strength Workout
Watch Kap Get Strong
Circuit 1
1. Leg Press
How to: Place your feet shoulder-width apart on the footplate. Drive the weight away from you in a controlled manner until both legs are extended. Don’t lock your knees out at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 10
Kap says: “Leg Presses are a way to strengthen your legs completely. You’re going to get a little bit of hamstring, quad, glute and calves.”
2. Band-Resisted Wide-Stride Shuffle
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width and in a squat position. Keep your feet wide, your knees out and your butt down throughout the movement.
Reps: 2×5 yards down and back
3. Single-Leg Press
How to: Place one foot in the center of the footplate with your toes slightly out. Drive the weight away from you in a controlled manner until your leg is extended. Don’t lock out your knee at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 10
Kap says: “I like the single-leg work simply because it isn’t often as a quarterback that both of your feet are stationary and planted.”
4. Bridge with Mini-Band Clamshells
How to: With a mini-band just above your knees, get into a side plank position and place your elbow on a foam pad. Bend your knees so your feet are behind you at about an 80-degree angle. Keeping your feet together and your upper body stationary, externally rotate your top knee until it reaches shoulder-width. Lower your knee back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 10 each side
5. Mini-Band Shuffle
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width with mini-bands around your ankles and above your knees. Shuffle in one direction. Keep your feet wide and your butt down throughout the movement. Repeat in the other direction.
Distance: 10 yards down and back
6. Med Ball Tosses for Height
How to: Hold a medicine ball with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat, lower the ball to the ground, explode up and throw the ball as high as you can.
Reps: 8
Kap says: “Focus on getting your hips through and getting full extension when you let the ball go.”
7. Single-Leg Med Ball Slams
How to: Stand on one leg holding a medicine ball over your head. Bend forward at the waist, lower your torso and slam the med ball into the ground. Catch it off the bounce and raise it back over your head. Complete all reps on one leg, then switch sides.
Reps: 6 each side
8. Box Touches
How to: Stand on one foot atop a 12-inch box with your other foot behind you, toes touching the floor. Lift your foot up until your toes touch the box. Repeat 10 times, then switch feet.
Reps: 10 each foot
9. Swiss Ball Bridge with Kettlebell
How to: Begin in a low bridge position with your upper back on the Swiss ball, your feet flat on the floor and your butt eight inches above the ground. Place a foam pad on your lap with a kettlebell on top of it and a mini-band above your knees. Push from your heels and drive your butt up until your hips are fully extended and your thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 8
10. Squats
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width. Slowly lower yourself while keeping your hips back, your knees behind your toes and your feet flat on the ground. Once your thighs are parallel to the ground, push from your heels and explode up while keeping your knees out and behind your toes.
Reps: 10, using very light weight
Kap says: “Squats are one of the best workouts you can do. Really focus on pushing through your heels and engaging those glutes and quads.”
11. Explosive Keiser Squats
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width and lower yourself like you would for a normal squat. When your thighs are parallel to the ground, explode up and try to jump as high as possible.
Reps: 10×175 pounds, 5×200 pounds
Kap says: “The big thing is getting back to a power position at the bottom. That’s how you’re going to generate the most power. Then focus on exploding up and jumping through the machine.”
12. Dumbbell Squats with Mini-Band
How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place a mini-band around your upper legs and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lower into a squat until your thighs are slightly above parallel, then explode up to stand on your toes.
Reps: 5×25 pounds, 5×30 pounds, 5×35 pounds
13. Foam Roll Quads and IT Bands
14. Single-Leg BOSU RDLs
How to: Stand on your left foot on a BOSU with your right foot elevated behind you. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand. Bend forward at the waist and lower your torso until the dumbbell hangs just above your left foot. Engage your left glute to lift your torso to standing. Repeat until you complete all reps on one side, then switch legs.
Reps: 10 each leg
1. Leg Extensions
How to: Raise the weight until your legs are fully extended, then lower it in a controlled motion until your knees are almost bent at 90 degrees.
Reps: 10
2. Leg Press
How to: Place your feet shoulder-width apart on the footplate. Drive the weight away from you in a controlled manner until both legs are extended. Don’t lock out your knees at the top of the movement. Lower the weight with a count of four back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 8, with 4-second negative on each
3. Med Ball Unicycle Crunch
How to: Lie on your back with a med ball by each hip. Place your hands on the med balls and lift your feet 6 inches off the ground. Bring your left foot toward you until your left knee is bent at a 90-degree angle while keeping your right foot 6 inches off the floor. Push your left foot down and out and return it to its original position 6 inches off the ground. Repeat the movement with your right leg while you hold. The motion of your feet is like riding a bicycle.
Reps: 10 each leg
4. Single-Leg Press
How to: Place one foot in the center of the footplate with your toes slightly out. Drive the weight away from you in a controlled manner until your leg is extended without locking out your knee. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat.
Reps: 10 each foot
5. Psoas Rollout on Lacrosse Ball
How to: Place a lacrosse ball on your psoas muscle (a few inches inside your hip). Lying face down, use your body weight to control the pressure. Move your body up and down and side to side to completely roll out the muscle.
6. Med Ball Lateral Toss
How to: Stand nearly perpendicular to a partner or a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and your eyes on your target. Bring the med ball down to just above your hip, then explosively rotate and launch the ball at your target. Keep your lower body stationary. Finish with your chest toward your target. Catch the ball and repeat the movement.
Reps: 6 each side
7. Kettlebell Swings
How to: Start in an athletic quarter-squat stance holding a kettlebell between your legs. Keeping your arms straight and elbows locked, push down through your heels to explode up and swing the kettlebell to about chin height. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement.
Reps: 15
8. Walking Lunges
How to: Holding a dumbbell in each hand, step forward with one foot while keeping your other foot behind you on the ground. Keeping your front knee behind your toes, lower toward the ground until your front thigh is parallel to the ground and your back knee grazes it. Push from your front heel to explode up while keeping your chest up and return to starting position. Take your next step with the opposite foot and repeat until the set is complete.
Reps: 8 each leg
9. Physioball Leg Curl
How to: Lie on your back with your heels atop a physioball. Press up into a bridge position so only your head and shoulders are on the floor. Keeping your hips elevated, roll the ball toward your glutes with your heels, then slowly roll it back until your legs are straight.
Reps: 10
10. Squats
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width and a mini-band above your knees. Slowly lower yourself while keeping your hips back, your knees behind your toes and your feet flat on the ground. Once your thighs are parallel to the ground, push from your heels and explode up while keeping your knees out and behind your toes and your chest up.
Reps: 10×225 pounds with mini-band around knees
11. Explosive Keiser Squats
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width and lower yourself like you would for a normal squat. When your thighs are parallel to the ground, explode up and try to jump as high as possible.
Reps: 10×175 pounds, 5×200 pounds
12. BOSU Dumbbell Squats
How to: Stand on the flat side of a BOSU with your feet shoulder-width apart holding dumbbells on your shoulders with your elbows pointed forward. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground while keeping your knees behind your toes and your butt back. At the bottom of the movement, explode up through your heels while keeping your chest up, your knees up and your butt back.
Reps: 12
13. Foam Roll Quads and IT Bands
14. Dumbbell RDLs
How to: Begin with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees. Hold the dumbbells with an overhand grip at thigh level. Slowly bend at the waist while keeping your back straight and pushing your hips back. Keep your eyes up. When the dumbbells reach mid-shin, slowly bend back up while keeping your back straight and your hips back until you return to the starting position.
Reps: 10
Finisher: Group core work. Athletes gather in the middle of the gym and call out exercises to each other, with reps—e.g., “20 V-Ups,” “25 Russian Twists,” “20 Legs-to-the-Floor Crunches,” etc. until the group is finished.
Watch the video below to see how Kap earned his six-pack abs.
Colin Kaepernick’s Core Workout
Kap grinds through his finisher core workout