Improve Your First-Step Quickness
Here’s a series of drills that I’ve found effective for helping athletes get to the rim on a regular basis. Incorporate them into a warm-up or pre-game routine, or use them in a speed workout two to three times per week.
Two-Inch Run With Ball
- Stand in athletic posture with ball in hand and start dribbling at baseline
- Move two inches forward with each step while keeping ball in front of body
- Explode out of last step with long stride and hard dribble; go through shooting motion but don’t release ball
- Finish in athletic position to train stability and balance
Coaching Points: Stay on balls of feet // Explode out of last step
Sets/Reps/Rest: 2×4, rest 30 seconds
Walking Lunge to Triple Extension With Ball
- Descend into Lunge while bringing basketball to chin
- Shift force to lead leg and extend hip, knee and ankle while driving opposite knee to chest
- Press ball up to ceiling with both hands
- Hold form through extension, drop into Walking Lunge and repeat on other side
Coaching Points: Focus on form // Push through big toe to activate glute
Sets/Distance/Rest: 2x half court, rest 40 seconds
Reverse Pivot Drop Step
- Face training partner in triple threat stance at top of key with back to basket
- Training partner will cue you by touching left or right shoulder
- React with left or right reverse pivot, drop-stepping in direction cue was given
- Push through pivot foot and stride to rim
- Take last step and transfer energy while vertically jumping to rim with singleleg max jump
Coaching Points: Remain balanced and in athletic stance through pivot
Sets/Reps/Rest: 2×8, rest 30 seconds
Below is a bonus first-step quickness drill used by the UCLA football team.
Improve Your First-Step Quickness
Here’s a series of drills that I’ve found effective for helping athletes get to the rim on a regular basis. Incorporate them into a warm-up or pre-game routine, or use them in a speed workout two to three times per week.
Two-Inch Run With Ball
- Stand in athletic posture with ball in hand and start dribbling at baseline
- Move two inches forward with each step while keeping ball in front of body
- Explode out of last step with long stride and hard dribble; go through shooting motion but don’t release ball
- Finish in athletic position to train stability and balance
Coaching Points: Stay on balls of feet // Explode out of last step
Sets/Reps/Rest: 2×4, rest 30 seconds
Walking Lunge to Triple Extension With Ball
- Descend into Lunge while bringing basketball to chin
- Shift force to lead leg and extend hip, knee and ankle while driving opposite knee to chest
- Press ball up to ceiling with both hands
- Hold form through extension, drop into Walking Lunge and repeat on other side
Coaching Points: Focus on form // Push through big toe to activate glute
Sets/Distance/Rest: 2x half court, rest 40 seconds
Reverse Pivot Drop Step
- Face training partner in triple threat stance at top of key with back to basket
- Training partner will cue you by touching left or right shoulder
- React with left or right reverse pivot, drop-stepping in direction cue was given
- Push through pivot foot and stride to rim
- Take last step and transfer energy while vertically jumping to rim with singleleg max jump
Coaching Points: Remain balanced and in athletic stance through pivot
Sets/Reps/Rest: 2×8, rest 30 seconds
Below is a bonus first-step quickness drill used by the UCLA football team.