Losing Weight Without Going to Extremes
Eating healthy foods and avoiding burgers and ice cream—good nutrition practice, but not necessarily an effective weight loss program. You might lose a few pounds in the beginning, but you could wind up in a cycle of binging, which will limit you from making further progress.
Here are some things to think about as you try to lose weight:
- Some healthy, unprocessed foods—like almonds and avocados—are also high in calories, so eat them in small amounts.
- Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) determines weight loss. BMR is the amount of energy (measured in calories) you use each day, even when resting. If you are eating healthy, but the calories you consume exceed your BMR, you will still gain weight.
- You can try to eliminate sugar, salt and processed foods from your diet, but that will make your diet bland and tasteless and take some of the joy out of eating. It’s an extreme that could lead to binging. Instead, cut back on those things but allow them in your diet in small amounts.
Find more tips for losing weight in STACK’s Burn Fat guide. Get started with tips from these articles:
Losing Weight Without Going to Extremes
Eating healthy foods and avoiding burgers and ice cream—good nutrition practice, but not necessarily an effective weight loss program. You might lose a few pounds in the beginning, but you could wind up in a cycle of binging, which will limit you from making further progress.
Here are some things to think about as you try to lose weight:
- Some healthy, unprocessed foods—like almonds and avocados—are also high in calories, so eat them in small amounts.
- Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) determines weight loss. BMR is the amount of energy (measured in calories) you use each day, even when resting. If you are eating healthy, but the calories you consume exceed your BMR, you will still gain weight.
- You can try to eliminate sugar, salt and processed foods from your diet, but that will make your diet bland and tasteless and take some of the joy out of eating. It’s an extreme that could lead to binging. Instead, cut back on those things but allow them in your diet in small amounts.
Find more tips for losing weight in STACK’s Burn Fat guide. Get started with tips from these articles: