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This is an info paraphrase. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas orci arcu, congue vitae augue id, elementum maximus odio. Donec mollis pharetra sapien, sed faucibus sem [...]
10 Nutrition Rules To Live By
When you fuel properly, you have more energy, sleep better, enhance your recovery after practices and games, and improve your overall performance. Many people think proper nutrition is complicated. This [...]
5 Protein-Packed Recovery Shakes
You put your body through a lot when you work out and you should reward it with fuel. Recovery shakes filled with protein and complex carbohydrates are...
6 Simple Power Recipes for Vegetarian Athletes
Thinkstock Oatmeal goji-berry balls and lentil burgers might sound exotic and complicated, but prepping these dishes can be just as easy as those ground turkey burgers and sweet potatoes you’ve [...]
Vegetarian Athlete Tips: Olympic Swimmer Kate Ziegler
AP Images Endurance athletes are known to be voracious eaters—especially during their peak training months (look no further than Michael Phelps’ 12,000-calorie-per-day diet ahead of the London Games). [...]
How Friends and Family Affect Your Food Choices
How Your Friends and Family Affect Your Food Choices Picture this. You are making plans with friends to go out to eat and you find your group discussing...
Where the Paleo Diet Falls Short
Has the Paleo diet missed its target? According to Dr. Robert Portman and Dr. John Ivy, sports nutrition experts and authors of the book, Hardwired for Fitness, the Paleo diet [...]
STUDY: Smaller Cereal Makes You Take In More Calories
Via Thinkstock. Ease up on the pour—of your breakfast cereal, that is. Recent research conducted at Penn State and published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition [...]
Fuel Up Fast With 4 Smoothies From the New York Giants
Photo: Getty Images via Thinkstock Let’s face it: An athlete’s diet can seem pretty bland. If you’re following all the rules, it’s grilled chicken breast, veggies, rice, repeat. [...]
Larry Fitzgerald: ‘You Can’t Take Shortcuts With Training’
AP Images Larry Fitzgerald is known for his ability to haul in the most difficult passes, and he consistently puts up 1,000-yard seasons. But what’s equally impressive is [...]