5 Rear Delt Exercises for Strong and Durable Shoulders
I'm sure most of you train your shoulders frequently, whether on upper body or total body training days, or a dedicated shoulders/arms day. Commonly...
10 Single-Leg Exercises to Build Strength and Eliminate Imbalances
No matter what sport you play, leg strength plays a big role in your ability to perform; particularly individual leg strength due to the fact that most...
Football Lineman Workout: Front Squat to Press
Most sports require the ability to push into the ground with your feet and express force with your upper body. This skill however, may not be more...
4 Kettlebell Strength Exercises for Beginners
Here are a few ways that beginners can add kettlebells to their workouts.
Wrestling Strength Training with the U.S. National Team
"Unless you're focusing strictly on technique and tactics, it's not even worth working out unless you push hard outside your comfort zone." Young wrestlers often sacrifice strength training out of [...]
How To Do The Farmer’s Walk
Forearm strength is critical for proper upper body function in sports. Skills like throwing a baseball or football, hitting a tennis ball or slapping a hockey puck require tremendous grip [...]
Off-Season Football Training for Strength and Power
Off-season strength and power football training is extremely important for success on the field. Football is a sport that requires speed, agility,...
Why You Don’t Need a Barbell to Make Kids Better Athletes
The barbell is considered the essential implement in modern strength training. And for good reason. The first written record of the barbell came in 1854 from French strong man and [...]
5 Essential Fitness Tips for New Dads
The Dad Bod is everywhere. It’s spreading across social media faster than the latest FaceApp trend. What’s even more interesting is the fact a recent poll found that some women [...]
Heavier Isn’t Always Better: How the Force-Velocity Curve Impacts Your Training
As coaches, we see the same old story play out in our trainees—the guy who always puts too much weight on the sled, the woman who grabs the heaviest battle [...]