Friday Night Lights
‘Blood Brothers’ Adaptation Will Star Michael B. Jordan
Michael B. Jordan (Fantastic Four) will take the lead in an upcoming feature film adaptation of the Dark Horse comic book Blood Brothers. Written by Mike Gagerman and Andrew Waller, [...]
James Franco Will Star in Kennedy Assassination Miniseries
James Franco will star in a nine-hour sci-fi thriller miniseries centering on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The series will air on Hulu. The drama is based on [...]
Southlake Carroll Personifies Enduring State of Texas Football
Friday Night Lights. Texas Longhorns. Johnny Football. Dallas Cowboys. Texas football symbolizes many things to many different people. Regardless of how one portrays/interprets it, one belief holds true: football reigns [...]
TRAILER: Keanu Reeves is Out for Revenge in ‘John Wick’
Check out the latest trailer for John Wick, below. Keanu Reeves stars as the title character, a former assassin who is brought back into the game after thugs steal his [...]
The Lowest Moment in High School Football History
To show you what not to do, each week STACK brings you a moment from the weight room or sports field gone horribly wrong. For communities across the country, today marks the [...]
Mark Wahlberg Stars in Action-Packed ‘Lone Survivor’
Mark Wahlberg leads the action thriller Lone Survivor, which tells the story of the tragic Navy SEAL mission, "Operation Red Wing," in 2005. Based on Marcus Luttrell's bestselling book by [...]
Top 5 Reasons to Catch Up on "Breaking Bad"
Coming off one of its best episodes yet, AMC's Breaking Bad, in its fifth and final season, seems poised to cement its legacy as one of the decade's best dramas. If [...]
Why Texas Is the Best Football State
High school football is a religion in Texas, as most notably portrayed in the book/movie/television series Friday Night Lights and the fictional movie Varsity Blues. The Lone Star State has [...]
NCAA Evaluation Period In Full Swing
Friday night lights may be months away, but there's one good reason why you should be performing at 110 percent during spring ball: April 15 marked the beginning of the [...]
Pros' Pump-Up Pre-Game Picks
Jozy Altidore U.S. Men’s National Soccer Team, SF Favorite Flick: Friday Night Lights “The speech in the movie when he’s talking about being perfect [is] pretty goosebumpy.” Top Tunes: “I [...]