Youth Sports
The Unicycle. An Unconventional Yet Effective Way to Build a Better Athlete
It's a big world out there with many variables. Children need to develop a base set of skills to become productive adults. Sports and various hobbies or activities can help [...]
Soccer Players Need to Hit the Brakes
When I played baseball in high school, I always dreaded pre-season conditioning. It was brutal and endless. We did every kind of sprint, jump, and stair running you can imagine. [...]
Strength Training for Young Dancers
While dancing may be considered an art for many, it is as physically demanding and rigorous as any sport. Regardless of its classification, it is an activity that demands high [...]
Whoop: Wearable Sports Technology Review
The wearable technology market share has grown tremendously over the last five years. The sports market projects growth to $200 billion by 2029, up from roughly 79.74 billion in 2021. [...]
Balance Training and the Youth Athlete
I often tell parents that strength and conditioning are for people of all ages. It just looks different for kids and the elderly, the athlete and non-athletes. Parents are often [...]
How Much Exercise Today’s Youth Needs to ‘Offset’ a Day of Sitting
Think about it. You sit for about six hours a day at school. And when you go home, you head straight to the couch to watch TV, play video games, [...]
The Power of Play
It’s been said over the past few years that early specialization is leading to burnout and injury. For instance, this study surveyed specialized youth basketball players who only play basketball [...]
Childhood Obesity is Heavily Associated with Motor Control Deficits
Almost every kid grows up playing sports. Even if they don't like it, everyone plays soccer and t-ball for at least one season. Parents know it's beneficial for their child's [...]
NFTs in Youth Sports
What are NFTs? It's a question that you may have heard being tossed around lately, especially in the world of sports. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are becoming an increasingly popular [...]
Do Posture and Balance Bracelets Work?
Since the beginning of competition, athletes have always looked for ways to find a competitive edge. Even in ancient times, competitors have trained and even cheated to win. The desire [...]