Athletic Gaines
Eye of the Tiger: What Athletes Need to Know About Intrinsic Motivation
What is motivation? Motivation is what changes your behavior and drives your actions. A lack of motivation can leave you feeling drifting in life, while anything worth having requires motivation [...]
NBA All-Star Paul Millsap’s Quick Feet Drill
Atlanta Hawks power forward Paul Millsap can do a little bit of everything. The two-time NBA All-Star can use his quickness to get by you, his power to finish at [...]
Introducing the 2015 ‘All-Gaines NFL Combine Team’
His pre-draft training programs have produced first-round draft picks every year since 2010, including Andrew Luck, the number 1 selection in 2012. Suffice it so say, Travelle Gaines knows combine training. [...]
Andrew Luck and the "World's Greatest Dumbbell Warm-Up"
The Andrew Luck era is officially underway in Indianapolis, and the buzz out of the Colts camp is that the top pick in the 2012 NFL Draft is in complete [...]
Refine Your 40-Yard Dash Start Technique
Start technique is an crucial factor that can make or break your 40 time. "How an athlete gets into his three-point stance is very important," says Travelle Gaines, owner of [...]
Chris Johnson's Speed Workout
His teeth are gold, his hair is untamed and his running style is beautifully unpredictable. But at the heart of Pro Bowl running back Chris Johnson lies an innate, intensely-focused [...]
Strength Training With Reggie Bush
My main motivation is to bounce back harder and stronger than ever before. That's my job; that's what I do. I play football. And when I'm done with this [...]