6 Reasons You Should Eat Almonds Every Day
Here are six reasons you should eat almonds every day.
How Much Exercise Today’s Youth Needs to ‘Offset’ a Day of Sitting
Think about it. You sit for about six hours a day at school. And when you go home, you head straight to the couch to watch TV, play video games, [...]
5 Healthy Foods That Got a Bad Rap
People used to think that the world was flat, the sun orbited around the Earth and Pluto was a planet. Now we know better. Nutrition is no different. As research [...]
Don’t Get Tricked by These 6 Foods With Wildly Unrealistic Serving Sizes
When you flip over the box to check a food's nutrition facts, you expect that the figures you see will be correct. Government agencies such as the FDA make sure [...]
Is Coconut Oil Healthy?
Have you heard about the new “miracle food”? Oh, you’ve got to try it. Did you know it cures cancer? And whitens your teeth? And prevents Alzheimer’s? It also reduces [...]
Is Orange Juice Actually Healthy?
The typical thought of the average person is that "juice" is healthy for you. The question persists, is orange juice actually healthy? First off, one...
9 Benefits of Eating Strawberries Everyday
Strawberries are awesome. A big, ripe juicy strawberry ranks right up there as one of the most irresistible foods mother nature offers. Not only are they delicious and refreshing, their [...]
Are Nutrition Bars Making You Fat? How to Tell If Your Snack is Actually Good for You
Bars are bigger than ever, and I’m not talking about hangouts that serve Budweiser. I’m talking about the ready-to-eat, supposedly-nutritious rectangles that now occupy a large section of your local [...]
16 Nuts and Seeds You Should Be Eating
Nuts for nuts? Good for you, because nuts pack a strong nutritional punch. They get a bad rap for being high in fat, but they shouldn’t—the fats they contain are [...]
How to Use Heat Therapy for Stamina, Recovery and Health
Elite athletes are always looking for the next cutting edge training or nutrition strategy to boost their performance. High level cyclists have begun...