Why You Should Think Twice Before Doing CrossFit
The first time I heard someone say that they did Fran and Chrissy back to back in 20 minutes each, I wanted to tell them to go get tested at the nearest...
Reebok Summer Gear for the CrossFit Athlete
Even though it's not technically summer where you live (although the temperatures may indicate otherwise), it’s time to get in shape. Many are turning to CrossFit to accomplish their fitness [...]
Why Athletes Shouldn’t Just Jump into CrossFit
You might have a buddy raving about how tough his last WOD was. Or maybe your Facebook friends compared their Murph times after Memorial Day weekend. No matter how you [...]
5 Reasons Young Athletes Shouldn’t Use Standardized Programs Like P90X, Insanity and CrossFit
Both P90x and Crossfit are programs which became popular with fitness enthusiasts primarily due to fact that they are challenging. However, what a 25...
Post Your Next PR with the Reebok CrossFit Lifter Plus
Reebok continues its domination of the CrossFit game with a new iteration of its Olympic lifting shoe, the CrossFit Lifter Plus. This shoe is not as versatile as the CrossFit [...]
How Much Conditioning Do You Really Need?
The music is blaring the weights are flying, people are yelling and screaming either from the pain or to get each other motivated to keep going and in...
Reebok CrossFit Nano 3.0: An Ideal All-Around CrossFit Shoe
I’ve tried out many shoes during my 3-plus years participating in CrossFit. I started with some of those silly toe shoes. They were fine at the time, but I [...]
Fitness Fail Friday: Some People Were Never Meant to Have Children
To show you what not to do, each Friday STACK brings you a moment from the weight room or sports field gone horribly wrong. Ever since the exercise ball was [...]
Test Your Body With 4 of the Toughest Hero Workouts
Among the toughest of CrossFit training routines are the “Hero” workouts—not just because they are physically challenging, but also because they pay homage to some of the men and women [...]
Should You Consider Adding Butter to Your Coffee?
It Might Power Weight Loss, Increase Energy and Sharpen Focus “I learned about the power of butter at 18,000 feet of elevation near Mt. Kailash in Tibet,” states the Bulletproof [...]