Matthew McConaughey Film ‘Gold’ Adds Bryce Dallas Howard
Jurassic World actress Bryce Dallas Howard has been cast as the female lead in the Matthew McConaughey mining drama Gold, which is currently in production. The Oscar award-winning McConaughey stars [...]
‘Everest’ Stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Keira Knightley
The big screen adventure thriller Everest features an all-star cast that includes Jake Gyllenhaal and Keira Knightley. As the title suggests, the film follows a climbing expedition to the peak [...]
‘Uncharted’ Film Adaptation Gets a Release Date
Sony has scheduled its film adaptation of Uncharted to release June 10, 2016. Seth Gordon (Horrible Bosses) is set to direct the film, and David Guggenheim (Safe House) is expected to [...]
James Cameron’s ‘Deepsea Challenge 3D’ Splashes Into Theaters This Summer
James Cameron's adventurous, big screen documentary Deepsea Challenge 3D centers on the famous director's personal journey to fulfill his childhood ambition to become an explorer. The film follows Cameron making [...]
At Least 10 Ways to Make the Best of a Rain Delay
With baseball season upon us, and so is the rainy season. And we know what happens to baseball when it rains. But rains delays don't need to put the entertainment [...]
Pro Ski Mountaineer Sheldon Kerr Pushes the Limits
STACK had the chance to sit down with mountain guide and freeskier Sheldon Kerr before she started up another winter season of ski guiding in Colorado’s San Juan Mountain Range. [...]
Five Coast Guard-Recommended Leadership Books You Need to Read
Want to become a better leader on the field or in the classroom but don’t know where to start? Throughout the past decade, the U.S. Coast Guard has built a [...]
Must See TV: Steve Nash's "Into The Wind" Airs Tonight
He ran a marathon. On one leg. Every day for 143 consecutive days. You’d be hard-pressed to find a more inspirational figure than Terry Fox, a 21-year-old cancer treatment activist [...]