Range Of Motion
5 Ways To Prevent Youth Baseball Injuries
The start of the spring season for youth baseball is almost upon us, and high school and college baseball have been going strong for a few weeks now, so...
Build a Stronger Chest With the Dumbbell Floor Press
We know the saying, "There's more than one way to skin a cat." However, that saying for some reason does not fit well within the Strength and...
Train Like an NFL Player This Off-Season
What does it take to play in the NFL? A lot of hard work ,dedication , talent and a desire to always get better. The Super Bowl ends one season and...
10 Tips for Effective Strength Training Programs for Swimming
To improve your swimming, training out of the pool is vital. One important part of a successful swimmer's training program is strength training....
Why Ankle Mobility Training is a Must
Of all the parts of your body to worry about, your ankles are probably low on the list. Tight hamstrings, back pain and other issues typically take precedence. Ankles aren’t [...]
3 Ways to Make Any Exercise Harder Without Adding Weight
"It's not about the weight, it's about the work."Coach Ty Terrell, of IFAST, told me that back in 2014 and that is the most beneficial piece of advice...
Exercises for Toning Your Abs Without Straining Your Low Back
Anytime you round your low back you put strain on your low back, specifically your lumbar discs. Our low back is compromised when we try to do...
WATCH: The Undertaker Deadlifts 405 Pounds, and It’s Damn Impressive
[youtube video="0oZZ1ASMINc" /] When I first saw a video on Deadspin of the Undertaker deadlifting 405 pounds, I was underwhelmed. A Deadlift of 405 pounds isn’t that impressive for a [...]
3 Tips to Achieve Correct Squat Form
We've all heard it before: the squat is the king of all exercises. This often puts it at the top of the programming food chain when planning training...
Try This Shoulder Mobility Exercise for Strong, Healthy Shoulders
In my Full-Body Training: 4 Dumbbell Ring Training Exercises we touched on how Gymnastic Rings are becoming more common in fitness facilities. Ring...