Guarantee a Great Workout With This 3-Exercise Circuit
This workout is all about efficiency in our strength movements tied together by some heart-pounding cardio. The three exercises we are going to use are Romanian Deadlifts, Barbell Bent-Over Rows [...]
How to Use ‘Giant Sets’ for Massive Results Inside the Weight Room
Time is the one commodity we can never get back. Therefore, we've got to make the most out of every second—including those spent in the weight room. As much as [...]
These Chair-Based Exercises Can Transform Your Body Fast
Though chairs are mainly used for sitting, they can also be used productively and creatively to perform several fantastic exercises. When you can't get to the gym, a chair can [...]
Why Athletes Should Emphasize the Lowering Portion of Weight Training Movements
The word “negative” often implies pessimism and gloom. In the gym, however, performing “negatives” or eccentric reps yields positive sports performance-enhancing, muscle-building and injury-preventive results! Mark Coberley, Iowa State University’s [...]
6 Exercises to Build Serious Strength That Aren’t Squats, Deadlifts or Bench
When talking about strength, most people think of the Big Three lifts (Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift). These are great tools to build strength, but it’s important to know that [...]
High-Intensity Training: Your Key to Quicker Strength Gains
Whether it's the offseason or the middle of your season, training is a must if you want to improve. Although you might think it's difficult to get in a quality [...]
4 Exercises for Better Throwing and Striking
Athletes are always looking for ways to use the weight room to improve their athleticism. With regards to throwing and striking, elevating our movement efficacy by targeting the body’s slings [...]
6 Upper-Body Exercises to Help Make You Faster
Running as a sport is different than running as part of a sport. It’s the difference of unhindered straightaway running compared to multiple directional changes while attacking or defending. It [...]
7 Chest-Supported Dumbbell Row Variations to Build a Bigger Back
The Chest-Supported Dumbbell Row is my most-programmed pulling exercise. It’s a favorite of mine because it’s safe, accessible and extremely effective. When performing standard Bent-Over Rows, people often use a [...]
Save Time and Make More Gains: Paired Set Training
One of an athlete’s greatest limitations is time. With the demands of practices, skill work, sleep, school, etc., it can be hard to find an extra hour to get in [...]