Weight Lifting
Changing Your Training Routine to Match Your Lifestyle
With the exception of professional players and undergraduates, most sportspeople are time-poor. Travel, work, study, family, and competing all take up time in strangely inconvenient blocks that mess up your [...]
Low Impact vs High Impact Training
Sports can often be tough on the body. Whether you are transitioning into the season or just having your season wrap up, viewing your training from a different perspective can [...]
Why Every High School Athlete Should Learn to Olympic Lift
Most athletes don’t know how to Olympic lift or even know what it is. This is understandable but a shame. The main reason athletes are unfamiliar is because Olympic lifting [...]
Triathletes Need to Train Less and Lift More
All parents are encouraged to enroll their children in a variety of sports. Most kids do play a sport at a young age. There are the usual suspects of soccer, [...]
The 5 Best Biceps Exercises You’re Not Doing
Ahh, the biceps. This sought-after muscle group is among the most coveted of lifters. The muscle itself consists of 2 parts-the long head and the short head-along with the often [...]
9 Exercises You’ve Never Tried
There is always a time and place to include unconventional exercises into your training program. You may want some variety, hit a plateau, or perhaps a new way to challenge [...]
The Windmill Exercise: A Perfect Screening Tool
The Windmill exercise is the perfect movement to share with your clients. Typically, it will be programmed as a warm-up, mobility drill, or tertiary activity to compliment your primary lifts. [...]
Never Lift Weights to Failure, Unless You Want to Build Muscle
Bodybuilders are insane, in a good way. Some consider bodybuilding a sport, and others view it as an art. Regardless of the meaningless classification, it's the hardest one there is, [...]
Lift Light to Get Big
Bigger. Faster. Stronger. That's the name of the game in sports. And with recent developments in sports science and social media, most athletes can access cutting-edge research right from their [...]
The ‘Phantom Step-Up’: Why This Unorthodox Exercise Is Amazing for Athletes
You put equal weight on both sides of the barbell. It’s up there with "no curling in the squat rack" and "always use a spotter when you max out" as [...]