3 Ways To Use a Band
1. Hammy & Calf: Lie on back on floor with band looped around bottom of foot. Holding on to ends of band, raise leg straight up, pressing hips into floor. Keep leg straight; flex ankle 10 times.
2. Quad & Hip Flexors: Loop band around left foot, then lie on right side. With left hand, pull ends of band overhead, so left foot is near butt. Keeping knee in line with hip, press hip forward and back 10 times.
3. Inner Thigh/Adductor/Groin: Lie on back on floor; loop band around left foot. Hold center of band with left hand and place right hand in the loop. Gently move leg out to left side, keeping hips and right shoulder and elbow on floor. Flex ankle 10 times.
3 Ways To Use a Band
1. Hammy & Calf: Lie on back on floor with band looped around bottom of foot. Holding on to ends of band, raise leg straight up, pressing hips into floor. Keep leg straight; flex ankle 10 times.
2. Quad & Hip Flexors: Loop band around left foot, then lie on right side. With left hand, pull ends of band overhead, so left foot is near butt. Keeping knee in line with hip, press hip forward and back 10 times.
3. Inner Thigh/Adductor/Groin: Lie on back on floor; loop band around left foot. Hold center of band with left hand and place right hand in the loop. Gently move leg out to left side, keeping hips and right shoulder and elbow on floor. Flex ankle 10 times.