4 Brutal Exercises That Build Bigger Arms
Let’s cut to the chase. We all want bigger arms.
You love Bicep Curls and so do I.
RELATED: 2 Bicep Curl Tips That Guarantee Bigger Arms
Bicep Curls get a bad rap sometimes, because if you look at most gyms, this is the No. 1 exercise you see people doing. It’s definitely a “bro” exercise.
I’m totally cool with it. As long as you are making yourself healthy and working up a sweat, I’m good with it.
Here are four ways you can for sure break a sweat while doing Bicep Curls. By incorporating more movements, you work different muscles and hit your upper body at various angles, creating an environment where you get bigger arms.
RELATED: Bicep Curl Grip Guide: How Hand Placement Changes the Exercise
1. Incline Curl to Arrow
How to Do It
- Grab 2 dumbbells in a weight you can get 15 reps with.
- Set up an incline bench.
- Keeping your chest on the bench, perform a Hammer Curl and bring the weight right to your shoulders.
- After the Curl, straighten your arms (chest still on the bench), and swing your arms back behind you making an “arrow” with your body.
- Repeat.
What It Works
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Rear deltoids
- 5×15
2. Hip Hinge to Hammer Curl
How to Do It
- Grab 2 dumbbells in a weight you can get 15 reps with.
- Holding your arms straight and chest up, slowly hinge (not squat) at your waist until your chest becomes parallel with the floor.
- Stay in that position and perform a Hammer Curl, bringing the bells to your shoulders.
- Stand back up and repeat!
What It Works
- Hip mobility
- Biceps
- Hamstrings
- 5×10
RELATED: Make Bicep Curls More Effective With This Simple Adjustment
3. Plank Hammer Curls
How to Do It
- Get 2 lighter dumbbells. I use 15’s.
- Go into a perfect push-up position.
- Without rotating your hips, perform a Hammer Curl with one of your arms.
* Pro tip: You might want to spread your feet apart so that it’s a little bit easier to control your hips. This is huge for core development.
What It Works
- Core Endurance
- Biceps
- Core Stability
- Triceps
- 5×10 each arm
4. Drop Set Curls
How to Do It
- Grab 2 sets of dumbbells.
- Get 1 set of heavy dumbbells, something you can only get 5 reps with.
- Make your 2nd set something light that you can get 15 reps with.
- Get as many reps as you can with the heavy bells.
- Immediately grab the light bells and get as many reps as you can.
What It Works
- Muscular strength
- Muscular endurance
- Biceps
3 sets, at least 1 minute of rest between sets.
Chase It!
GET BIGGER ARMS from Ben Boudro on Vimeo.
Follow me for more: Instagram , Twitter, Facebook
PS. Do you like my content? If so can you do me a huge favor and give me a vote in the Men’s Health Ultimate Guy Contest? Your support means the world to me.
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4 Brutal Exercises That Build Bigger Arms
Let’s cut to the chase. We all want bigger arms.
You love Bicep Curls and so do I.
RELATED: 2 Bicep Curl Tips That Guarantee Bigger Arms
Bicep Curls get a bad rap sometimes, because if you look at most gyms, this is the No. 1 exercise you see people doing. It’s definitely a “bro” exercise.
I’m totally cool with it. As long as you are making yourself healthy and working up a sweat, I’m good with it.
Here are four ways you can for sure break a sweat while doing Bicep Curls. By incorporating more movements, you work different muscles and hit your upper body at various angles, creating an environment where you get bigger arms.
RELATED: Bicep Curl Grip Guide: How Hand Placement Changes the Exercise
1. Incline Curl to Arrow
How to Do It
- Grab 2 dumbbells in a weight you can get 15 reps with.
- Set up an incline bench.
- Keeping your chest on the bench, perform a Hammer Curl and bring the weight right to your shoulders.
- After the Curl, straighten your arms (chest still on the bench), and swing your arms back behind you making an “arrow” with your body.
- Repeat.
What It Works
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Rear deltoids
- 5×15
2. Hip Hinge to Hammer Curl
How to Do It
- Grab 2 dumbbells in a weight you can get 15 reps with.
- Holding your arms straight and chest up, slowly hinge (not squat) at your waist until your chest becomes parallel with the floor.
- Stay in that position and perform a Hammer Curl, bringing the bells to your shoulders.
- Stand back up and repeat!
What It Works
- Hip mobility
- Biceps
- Hamstrings
- 5×10
RELATED: Make Bicep Curls More Effective With This Simple Adjustment
3. Plank Hammer Curls
How to Do It
- Get 2 lighter dumbbells. I use 15’s.
- Go into a perfect push-up position.
- Without rotating your hips, perform a Hammer Curl with one of your arms.
* Pro tip: You might want to spread your feet apart so that it’s a little bit easier to control your hips. This is huge for core development.
What It Works
- Core Endurance
- Biceps
- Core Stability
- Triceps
- 5×10 each arm
4. Drop Set Curls
How to Do It
- Grab 2 sets of dumbbells.
- Get 1 set of heavy dumbbells, something you can only get 5 reps with.
- Make your 2nd set something light that you can get 15 reps with.
- Get as many reps as you can with the heavy bells.
- Immediately grab the light bells and get as many reps as you can.
What It Works
- Muscular strength
- Muscular endurance
- Biceps
3 sets, at least 1 minute of rest between sets.
Chase It!
GET BIGGER ARMS from Ben Boudro on Vimeo.
Follow me for more: Instagram , Twitter, Facebook
PS. Do you like my content? If so can you do me a huge favor and give me a vote in the Men’s Health Ultimate Guy Contest? Your support means the world to me.