Arian Foster Uses Instagram Videos to Show NFL Teams He’s Recovered from Achilles Injury
The Houston Texans released four-time Pro Bowler Arian Foster in March. Foster has battled injuries since 2013, when he had issues with his back. More recently, a torn Achilles tendon in Week 4 cut short his playing time last season. But Foster has not given up and he’s been working out to impress other teams.
RELATED: Achilles Tendon Ruptures: Prevention and Recovery
Foster didn’t wait long to get back into the gym after his Achilles injury. In the video below, you can see the soon-to-be 30-year-old working out in a walking boot to try and stay in shape. Foster performs Ab Rollouts to strengthen his core and Lateral Band Walks, a great lower-body exercise for your glutes and to prevent ACL injuries.
Once Foster was cleared to do explosive exercises and lateral movements, he started doing them. In the videos below, Foster works on his hand-eye coordination by catching tennis balls while hopping from one leg to the other. He’s also working on foot speed with ladder drills and core work with med balls.
[instagram src=””] [instagram src=””]To show that he can do everything he once was able to do, Foster made a progression video of his rehab and hard work:
[instagram src=””] Foster is no stranger to bounce-back years. After his back injury, he had a great 2014 season with 1,246 rushing yards, eight touchdowns and a Pro Bowl appearance. With all of the hard work he has put into this off-season, we wouldn’t doubt that he will have another one.RECOMMENDED FOR YOU
Arian Foster Uses Instagram Videos to Show NFL Teams He’s Recovered from Achilles Injury
The Houston Texans released four-time Pro Bowler Arian Foster in March. Foster has battled injuries since 2013, when he had issues with his back. More recently, a torn Achilles tendon in Week 4 cut short his playing time last season. But Foster has not given up and he’s been working out to impress other teams.
RELATED: Achilles Tendon Ruptures: Prevention and Recovery
Foster didn’t wait long to get back into the gym after his Achilles injury. In the video below, you can see the soon-to-be 30-year-old working out in a walking boot to try and stay in shape. Foster performs Ab Rollouts to strengthen his core and Lateral Band Walks, a great lower-body exercise for your glutes and to prevent ACL injuries.
[instagram src=””]Once Foster was cleared to do explosive exercises and lateral movements, he started doing them. In the videos below, Foster works on his hand-eye coordination by catching tennis balls while hopping from one leg to the other. He’s also working on foot speed with ladder drills and core work with med balls.
[instagram src=””] [instagram src=””]To show that he can do everything he once was able to do, Foster made a progression video of his rehab and hard work:
[instagram src=””] Foster is no stranger to bounce-back years. After his back injury, he had a great 2014 season with 1,246 rushing yards, eight touchdowns and a Pro Bowl appearance. With all of the hard work he has put into this off-season, we wouldn’t doubt that he will have another one.