Reduce Downtime from Injuries With Advice From Athletic Trainers
Athletes need open lines of communication with their athletic trainers. That message came through loud and clear at the National Athletic Trainers Association [NATA] National Conference, where STACK had opportunities to discuss a variety of topics—including sports medicine, injury prevention and rehab techniques—with several trainers from collegiate and professional sports teams, the Navy SEALS and NASA.
With a “no pain, no gain” mindset, many athletes fight through potential injuries in trying to help their teams. They may even be pressured by a coach, parent or teammate to continue stepping on the field. But if you’re hurt, how much benefit can you be to your team?
Instead, follow the advice of professional athletic trainers: report any pains or potential injuries. A trainer’s job is to get you back on the field as quickly and safely as possible. Your trainer will hold you out only if your injury is severe, needs time to heal or could be worsened by further play. Would you rather sit out for a week or two to recover from a minor injury, or fight through the pain, aggravate the injury and miss the rest of the season?
Obviously, you don’t need to report every little bump and bruise. But if you sustain an injury, report it immediately so you can recover and get back in the action as soon as possible.
Photo: Hawaii D.O.E
Reduce Downtime from Injuries With Advice From Athletic Trainers
Athletes need open lines of communication with their athletic trainers. That message came through loud and clear at the National Athletic Trainers Association [NATA] National Conference, where STACK had opportunities to discuss a variety of topics—including sports medicine, injury prevention and rehab techniques—with several trainers from collegiate and professional sports teams, the Navy SEALS and NASA.
With a “no pain, no gain” mindset, many athletes fight through potential injuries in trying to help their teams. They may even be pressured by a coach, parent or teammate to continue stepping on the field. But if you’re hurt, how much benefit can you be to your team?
Instead, follow the advice of professional athletic trainers: report any pains or potential injuries. A trainer’s job is to get you back on the field as quickly and safely as possible. Your trainer will hold you out only if your injury is severe, needs time to heal or could be worsened by further play. Would you rather sit out for a week or two to recover from a minor injury, or fight through the pain, aggravate the injury and miss the rest of the season?
Obviously, you don’t need to report every little bump and bruise. But if you sustain an injury, report it immediately so you can recover and get back in the action as soon as possible.
Photo: Hawaii D.O.E