Axon Sports Concussion Baseline Testing Giveaway
When an athlete goes down during a game, it’s usually clear right away whether the injury is game-ending. But there is an exception: a concussion. Occasionally, an athlete loses consciousness or stumbles off the field, but the majority of concussions are less severe and often go undetected on the basis of unreliable verbal tests. Although you still may be able to play following a minor concussion, failing to allow the brain to recover puts you at risk for a more severe concussion and lasting brain damage [watch STACK’s Concussion Awareness Video series to learn more].
Accurately determining if a concussion has been sustained involves baseline testing—a set of memory and brain speed and accuracy tests that measure healthy brain function. When an athlete suffers a head injury, the tests are repeated and results are compared with the baseline results. As the brain recovers, test results improve to the point where they eventually match the baseline tests—indicating the brain has fully healed.
To promote the benefits of baseline testing, Axon Sports is offering 25,000 free concussion baseline tests to schools, clubs and youth organizations in the United States—available to 100 teams with 250 tests each. Axon offers the CCAT [Computerized Cognitive Assessment Tool], a unique online baseline concussion testing program that gives a snapshot of brain function and capabilities in only 12 to 15 minutes.
Every athlete should participate in baseline testing to ensure brain health. Even if you don’t play a contact sport, accidents can occur that may result in a concussion. Register at today for a great opportunity to keep your team safe from the long-term effects of concussions.
Photo: Jason Bridge/US Presswire
Axon Sports Concussion Baseline Testing Giveaway
When an athlete goes down during a game, it’s usually clear right away whether the injury is game-ending. But there is an exception: a concussion. Occasionally, an athlete loses consciousness or stumbles off the field, but the majority of concussions are less severe and often go undetected on the basis of unreliable verbal tests. Although you still may be able to play following a minor concussion, failing to allow the brain to recover puts you at risk for a more severe concussion and lasting brain damage [watch STACK’s Concussion Awareness Video series to learn more].
Accurately determining if a concussion has been sustained involves baseline testing—a set of memory and brain speed and accuracy tests that measure healthy brain function. When an athlete suffers a head injury, the tests are repeated and results are compared with the baseline results. As the brain recovers, test results improve to the point where they eventually match the baseline tests—indicating the brain has fully healed.
To promote the benefits of baseline testing, Axon Sports is offering 25,000 free concussion baseline tests to schools, clubs and youth organizations in the United States—available to 100 teams with 250 tests each. Axon offers the CCAT [Computerized Cognitive Assessment Tool], a unique online baseline concussion testing program that gives a snapshot of brain function and capabilities in only 12 to 15 minutes.
Every athlete should participate in baseline testing to ensure brain health. Even if you don’t play a contact sport, accidents can occur that may result in a concussion. Register at today for a great opportunity to keep your team safe from the long-term effects of concussions.
Photo: Jason Bridge/US Presswire