Build Strength with a 5×5 Workout
One of the most popular workout routines for athletes looking to build strength is a 5×5 workout, which is a simple but effective way for athletes to gain mass. The program is easy to follow—athletes perform lifts for 5 sets of 5 reps, generally only two to three times per week. This gives lifters ample time to recover and make progress.
The concept behind the 5×5 workout is not new. Lifters have been performing the 5×5 for decades, in both a powerlifting and bodybuilding sense to achieve their goals. Generally, there are five accepted lifts in the 5×5 workout:
- Squats
- Bench Press
- Barbell Row
- Overhead Press
- Deadlift
RELATED: Squat 101: A How-To Guide With Video and Pictures
It is recommended that a single set of 5 reps be done for Deadlifts, as they are an extremely challenging exercise. The 5×5 method is commonly broken down to two different days:
Day 1: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row
Day 2: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift (1×5 only)
These two routines are separated by a day of rest. The 5×5 workout is recommended for seven to nine weeks, with the first four to six weeks as a lead-up phase and the final three weeks as a “peak” phase.
RELATED: 10 Bench Press Variations for a Bigger and Stronger Chest
In the lead-up phase, athletes focus on form and adding weight. This is known as periodization, in which athletes constantly challenge their bodies by increasing weight. This stimulus helps athletes avoid plateaus, but it’s important to note that this program can lead to overtraining if athletes attempt too much too soon. A general rule of thumb is that lifters should choose a weight that will challenge them, but not burn them out so much that they cannot complete the lifts—and add weight from there.
The 5×5 method is a simple workout. Lifters of any experience level can start the program and see results. It also heavily focuses on standing exercises and heavy lifts. It leaves out many exercises and machines that may not be necessary for athletes. By boiling the workout down to a minimum amount of exercise, it saves time while getting results. These positives are seen as negatives by some lifters though. Advanced lifters may need other, more specialized, lifts to further advance their goals.
RELATED: The Do’s and Don’ts of the Deadlift and Back Squat
Athletes, while excited about the lifts, may be tempted to neglect the recovery and nutrition aspects of the plan. Athletes can expect to increase their calories, because these five lifts are full-body movements and burn a lot of calories.
Recovery is also a priority for lifters using the 5×5 method. With only a few lifts, athletes may be tempted to add exercises to the program to increase its value. This is an admirable idea, but one athletes do not need to consider. Chances are, you will be too exhausted to want to add exercises anyway. If you are not exhausted at the end of the workout, you should reevaluate yourself and add weight accordingly to further challenge yourself.
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Build Strength with a 5×5 Workout
One of the most popular workout routines for athletes looking to build strength is a 5×5 workout, which is a simple but effective way for athletes to gain mass. The program is easy to follow—athletes perform lifts for 5 sets of 5 reps, generally only two to three times per week. This gives lifters ample time to recover and make progress.
The concept behind the 5×5 workout is not new. Lifters have been performing the 5×5 for decades, in both a powerlifting and bodybuilding sense to achieve their goals. Generally, there are five accepted lifts in the 5×5 workout:
- Squats
- Bench Press
- Barbell Row
- Overhead Press
- Deadlift
RELATED: Squat 101: A How-To Guide With Video and Pictures
It is recommended that a single set of 5 reps be done for Deadlifts, as they are an extremely challenging exercise. The 5×5 method is commonly broken down to two different days:
Day 1: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row
Day 2: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift (1×5 only)
These two routines are separated by a day of rest. The 5×5 workout is recommended for seven to nine weeks, with the first four to six weeks as a lead-up phase and the final three weeks as a “peak” phase.
RELATED: 10 Bench Press Variations for a Bigger and Stronger Chest
In the lead-up phase, athletes focus on form and adding weight. This is known as periodization, in which athletes constantly challenge their bodies by increasing weight. This stimulus helps athletes avoid plateaus, but it’s important to note that this program can lead to overtraining if athletes attempt too much too soon. A general rule of thumb is that lifters should choose a weight that will challenge them, but not burn them out so much that they cannot complete the lifts—and add weight from there.
The 5×5 method is a simple workout. Lifters of any experience level can start the program and see results. It also heavily focuses on standing exercises and heavy lifts. It leaves out many exercises and machines that may not be necessary for athletes. By boiling the workout down to a minimum amount of exercise, it saves time while getting results. These positives are seen as negatives by some lifters though. Advanced lifters may need other, more specialized, lifts to further advance their goals.
RELATED: The Do’s and Don’ts of the Deadlift and Back Squat
Athletes, while excited about the lifts, may be tempted to neglect the recovery and nutrition aspects of the plan. Athletes can expect to increase their calories, because these five lifts are full-body movements and burn a lot of calories.
Recovery is also a priority for lifters using the 5×5 method. With only a few lifts, athletes may be tempted to add exercises to the program to increase its value. This is an admirable idea, but one athletes do not need to consider. Chances are, you will be too exhausted to want to add exercises anyway. If you are not exhausted at the end of the workout, you should reevaluate yourself and add weight accordingly to further challenge yourself.