Chad Johnson Admits Using His Teammates’ Urine to Help Deal With Ankle Sprains
Chad Johnson, the man formerly known as Chad Ochocinco, is an eccentric dude. He is probably known more for his touchdown celebrations than his actual play as a wide receiver—though, to be fair, his Riverdance in the end zone will go down as one of the greatest celebrations of all time.
So it should come as no surprise that some of his recovery tactics have also been off the wall.
Appearing on ESPN’s “Mike & Mike” this morning, the former Cincinnati Bengal admitted collecting “warm urine” from his teammates, heating it up, and dipping his ankles in it for half an hour. That’s right, Johnson placed parts of his body in urine from his teammates, and it sounded like he did it several times. Johnson said he learned the technique from his grandmother, as it was one of her classic remedies.
We guess that Johnson’s grandmother thought urine would help with the swelling, but we honestly have no idea. Apparently no team doctor ever walked by Johnson to ask him, “hey, what in the world are you doing?” To each his own, I guess.
Chad Johnson Admits Using His Teammates’ Urine to Help Deal With Ankle Sprains
Chad Johnson, the man formerly known as Chad Ochocinco, is an eccentric dude. He is probably known more for his touchdown celebrations than his actual play as a wide receiver—though, to be fair, his Riverdance in the end zone will go down as one of the greatest celebrations of all time.
So it should come as no surprise that some of his recovery tactics have also been off the wall.
Appearing on ESPN’s “Mike & Mike” this morning, the former Cincinnati Bengal admitted collecting “warm urine” from his teammates, heating it up, and dipping his ankles in it for half an hour. That’s right, Johnson placed parts of his body in urine from his teammates, and it sounded like he did it several times. Johnson said he learned the technique from his grandmother, as it was one of her classic remedies.
We guess that Johnson’s grandmother thought urine would help with the swelling, but we honestly have no idea. Apparently no team doctor ever walked by Johnson to ask him, “hey, what in the world are you doing?” To each his own, I guess.