How to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight
Athletes who are dedicated in the weight room don’t necessarily lose weight like they want to. Often, it’s because they aren’t paying as much attention to their diet as they are to their exercise program.
So where should you start if you’re trying to improve what you eat and lose weight? Here are some tips.
Eat Natural Foods
Don’t be fooled by labels. Natural foods are not packaged foods that claim to be “all-natural.” They are foods that actually come from the earth—like fruits and vegetables, which are nutrient-dense and full of fiber. They fill you up, and they’re often fat-free.
Organic or free-range meats, poultry, fish and dairy also fit in this category. They’re free of byproducts and processing chemicals that can cause weight gain.
Avoid Processed Foods
Food companies add all sorts of ingredients during processing. Often, these ingredients are unfamiliar and hard to pronounce. Stay away from them. Chances are you can find a healthier alternative.
Steer Clear of Fast Food
Serious athletes should not be eating fast food. Filled with empty calories and extra fat, it has little nutritional value. Even “healthy” menu options become terrible when covered in creamy dressings and sauces. Take the extra time to prepare a meal yourself.
Be Accountable
To truly lose weight, you must hold yourself accountable. It’s not always easy to eat clean, but if you are not willing to commit, you will be sabotaging yourself before you even begin.
Set a reasonable goal at first, and do everything to achieve it. Prepare your own meals, continue to exercise, and avoid the temptation to eat the foods you know are terrible for you. Soon, you will begin losing the weight that you set out to lose.
If you want to shrink your waistline, find more tips and recipes on STACK’s Burn Fat page.
How to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight
Athletes who are dedicated in the weight room don’t necessarily lose weight like they want to. Often, it’s because they aren’t paying as much attention to their diet as they are to their exercise program.
So where should you start if you’re trying to improve what you eat and lose weight? Here are some tips.
Eat Natural Foods
Don’t be fooled by labels. Natural foods are not packaged foods that claim to be “all-natural.” They are foods that actually come from the earth—like fruits and vegetables, which are nutrient-dense and full of fiber. They fill you up, and they’re often fat-free.
Organic or free-range meats, poultry, fish and dairy also fit in this category. They’re free of byproducts and processing chemicals that can cause weight gain.
Avoid Processed Foods
Food companies add all sorts of ingredients during processing. Often, these ingredients are unfamiliar and hard to pronounce. Stay away from them. Chances are you can find a healthier alternative.
Steer Clear of Fast Food
Serious athletes should not be eating fast food. Filled with empty calories and extra fat, it has little nutritional value. Even “healthy” menu options become terrible when covered in creamy dressings and sauces. Take the extra time to prepare a meal yourself.
Be Accountable
To truly lose weight, you must hold yourself accountable. It’s not always easy to eat clean, but if you are not willing to commit, you will be sabotaging yourself before you even begin.
Set a reasonable goal at first, and do everything to achieve it. Prepare your own meals, continue to exercise, and avoid the temptation to eat the foods you know are terrible for you. Soon, you will begin losing the weight that you set out to lose.
If you want to shrink your waistline, find more tips and recipes on STACK’s Burn Fat page.