Could Expanded Universe Characters Appear in ‘Star Wars Episode VII’?
Are you ready for your daily Episode VII rumor?
It suggests that some Expanded Universe characters will find their way into Star Wars Episode VII. The gossip is almost certainly connected to the recent announcement about the creation of the LucasFilm Story Group, which will be manned by Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee. The team will attempt to define the Star Wars canon by including some EU work and possibly banishing the rest.
This opens up the possibility of EU characters and backstories appearing in films. Previously, a ranked system was used, with Lucas’s films at the top of the food chain and other materials following in line. Despite being extremely organized and consistent, the EU (including storylines from comic books, games and TV shows) was generally considered irrelevant to Star Wars movies.
Star Wars 7 News reports that although their names may not be used, several EU characters are being considered, including Mara Jade. If this is true, it could be an attempt to appease dedicated fans while maintaining a semblance of originality to the casual moviegoer.
“Right now they’re looking at using the basic descriptions of EU characters with different names,” the site’s unidentified source said. “Luke’s wife will follow the same template as Shira Brie/Mara Jade. Red hair, Green eyes, attitude, etc. The same with the kids of the big three. Fans should not expect to see Kyle Katarn, Corran Horn or Cilghal, but characters who are very much like them.”
EW‘s recent interview with Star Wars Rebels executive producer Simon Kinberg bolsters the rumor. Asked whether he would be including EU characters in the show, he responded that he would be working with the LucasFilm Story Group to maintain continuity. It’s the first sign since Disney took over that the Expanded Universe would even be considered in upcoming projects.
“We have characters [in Rebels] from all different parts of the universe. One of the awesome resources is Pablo Hidalgo. He’s the resident Star Wars genius, and he knows everything of every possible word or image that was created for Star Wars. So we utilize him a lot and he’s very integrated into the process,” said Kinberg.
All we have for now is conjecture. But a few EU characters would seem worthy of a film adaptation. Which one would you pick to appear in a future Star Wars film?
Could Expanded Universe Characters Appear in ‘Star Wars Episode VII’?
Are you ready for your daily Episode VII rumor?
It suggests that some Expanded Universe characters will find their way into Star Wars Episode VII. The gossip is almost certainly connected to the recent announcement about the creation of the LucasFilm Story Group, which will be manned by Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee. The team will attempt to define the Star Wars canon by including some EU work and possibly banishing the rest.
This opens up the possibility of EU characters and backstories appearing in films. Previously, a ranked system was used, with Lucas’s films at the top of the food chain and other materials following in line. Despite being extremely organized and consistent, the EU (including storylines from comic books, games and TV shows) was generally considered irrelevant to Star Wars movies.
Star Wars 7 News reports that although their names may not be used, several EU characters are being considered, including Mara Jade. If this is true, it could be an attempt to appease dedicated fans while maintaining a semblance of originality to the casual moviegoer.
“Right now they’re looking at using the basic descriptions of EU characters with different names,” the site’s unidentified source said. “Luke’s wife will follow the same template as Shira Brie/Mara Jade. Red hair, Green eyes, attitude, etc. The same with the kids of the big three. Fans should not expect to see Kyle Katarn, Corran Horn or Cilghal, but characters who are very much like them.”
EW‘s recent interview with Star Wars Rebels executive producer Simon Kinberg bolsters the rumor. Asked whether he would be including EU characters in the show, he responded that he would be working with the LucasFilm Story Group to maintain continuity. It’s the first sign since Disney took over that the Expanded Universe would even be considered in upcoming projects.
“We have characters [in Rebels] from all different parts of the universe. One of the awesome resources is Pablo Hidalgo. He’s the resident Star Wars genius, and he knows everything of every possible word or image that was created for Star Wars. So we utilize him a lot and he’s very integrated into the process,” said Kinberg.
All we have for now is conjecture. But a few EU characters would seem worthy of a film adaptation. Which one would you pick to appear in a future Star Wars film?