Locker Room Quotes: Week of July 2
Every morning, STACK posts an inspirational quote on Facebook and Twitter to get you up and running. An articulate and powerful quote can go far to motivate and encourage you along the way to achieving your goals. Get inspired with these STACK-approved quotes and let us know which one is your favorite!
“You can’t just beat a team. You have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they never want to see you again.” –Mia Hamm
“You’re never a loser until you quit trying.” –Mike Ditka
“Patience can’t be acquired overnight. It is just like building up a muscle. Every day you need to work on it.” –Eknath Easwaran
“Courage is not living without fear. Courage is being scared to death and doing the right thing anyway.” –Unknown
“Winners, I am convinced, imagine their dreams first. They want it with all their heart and expect it to come true.” –Joe Montana
“Find your unique talent or gift, become the best you can be with it, give it away every day.” –Jerry Krause
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” –Albert Einstein
Locker Room Quotes: Week of July 2
Every morning, STACK posts an inspirational quote on Facebook and Twitter to get you up and running. An articulate and powerful quote can go far to motivate and encourage you along the way to achieving your goals. Get inspired with these STACK-approved quotes and let us know which one is your favorite!
“You can’t just beat a team. You have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they never want to see you again.” –Mia Hamm
“You’re never a loser until you quit trying.” –Mike Ditka
“Patience can’t be acquired overnight. It is just like building up a muscle. Every day you need to work on it.” –Eknath Easwaran
“Courage is not living without fear. Courage is being scared to death and doing the right thing anyway.” –Unknown
“Winners, I am convinced, imagine their dreams first. They want it with all their heart and expect it to come true.” –Joe Montana
“Find your unique talent or gift, become the best you can be with it, give it away every day.” –Jerry Krause
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” –Albert Einstein