Rochester Rattlers’ Stick Speed
Speed is vital for getting by, around and dodging opponents on the lacrosse field. But when you have to sprint with a stick in your hand, your mechanics can fall apart and slow you down. To help you learn how to hit top end speed with your lax equipment in tow, we hit up Bill Warder, assistant coach to the Rochester Rattlers, who advanced to the MLL semifinals.
STACK: Should I perform speed work with my stick?
Warder: Any time you train with your stick, you’ll help your game. Whether you’re working on speed, agility, conditioning or quickness, perform drills with your stick in hand. You’ll get your arm motion down and used to running with it at a high intensity.
STACK: Should you train with one or both hands on the stick?
Warder: Don’t just perform drills with one hand on the stick, because there are game situations when you need two on it. Switch from holding it with one hand to two hands after each rep. When something prevents you from swinging your arms when you’re running, the drill becomes significantly harder, because you can’t use your arms to carry momentum. This builds your leg power.
STACK: How should I position my stick during speed work?
Warder: Keep it in the air, because that’s where the game is. I always tell our guys to keep their sticks up and expect the unexpected. Defensively, you want it up to knock down a pass and check a guy’s stick. Offensively, you’ll be able to accept a pass or catch, then shoot quickly.
Rochester Rattlers’ Stick Speed
Speed is vital for getting by, around and dodging opponents on the lacrosse field. But when you have to sprint with a stick in your hand, your mechanics can fall apart and slow you down. To help you learn how to hit top end speed with your lax equipment in tow, we hit up Bill Warder, assistant coach to the Rochester Rattlers, who advanced to the MLL semifinals.
STACK: Should I perform speed work with my stick?
Warder: Any time you train with your stick, you’ll help your game. Whether you’re working on speed, agility, conditioning or quickness, perform drills with your stick in hand. You’ll get your arm motion down and used to running with it at a high intensity.
STACK: Should you train with one or both hands on the stick?
Warder: Don’t just perform drills with one hand on the stick, because there are game situations when you need two on it. Switch from holding it with one hand to two hands after each rep. When something prevents you from swinging your arms when you’re running, the drill becomes significantly harder, because you can’t use your arms to carry momentum. This builds your leg power.
STACK: How should I position my stick during speed work?
Warder: Keep it in the air, because that’s where the game is. I always tell our guys to keep their sticks up and expect the unexpected. Defensively, you want it up to knock down a pass and check a guy’s stick. Offensively, you’ll be able to accept a pass or catch, then shoot quickly.