Step Drill for Consistent Iron Play
“Consistent ball striking with an iron is about getting the weight on top of your front foot when you’re making contact,” says Brady Riggs, a Class A PGA professional and instructor.
Many players hit the ball when their weight is distributed equally through both legs and feet. Riggs says, “The key to hitting the ball solid is shifting your weight at the right time, which is right before the backswing is finished.”
To get a better sense of how your weight should be properly displaced, add the Step Drill to your normal practice routine.
Step Drill
• Assume normal address position [golf stance] in front of ball
• Bring iron into backswing as you step left foot toward right, shifting weight onto right foot
• As you begin downswing, replant left foot back to original position
• Finish the motion by swinging through the ball, following through
Sets/Reps: 2 x 4-6, followed by 4-6 regular shots
Coaching Points: Keep weight on balls of feet in address position // Keep feet pointed forward in same direction throughout entire movement // Perform in slow, controlled manner with less than 100 percent effort // Focus on correct form // Follow through with your swing
Step Drill for Consistent Iron Play
“Consistent ball striking with an iron is about getting the weight on top of your front foot when you’re making contact,” says Brady Riggs, a Class A PGA professional and instructor.
Many players hit the ball when their weight is distributed equally through both legs and feet. Riggs says, “The key to hitting the ball solid is shifting your weight at the right time, which is right before the backswing is finished.”
To get a better sense of how your weight should be properly displaced, add the Step Drill to your normal practice routine.
[Note: Drill instructions are set up for right-handed golfers]Step Drill
• Assume normal address position [golf stance] in front of ball
• Bring iron into backswing as you step left foot toward right, shifting weight onto right foot
• As you begin downswing, replant left foot back to original position
• Finish the motion by swinging through the ball, following through
Sets/Reps: 2 x 4-6, followed by 4-6 regular shots
Coaching Points: Keep weight on balls of feet in address position // Keep feet pointed forward in same direction throughout entire movement // Perform in slow, controlled manner with less than 100 percent effort // Focus on correct form // Follow through with your swing