Nut Butter
Add Fall Flavors to Your Workout Shakes With Pumpkin Apple Butter
Pumpkin Apple Butter If you're like me I use peanut butter, almond butter, or sunflower for my pre-workout, protein drinks, and even mid-day snacks...
5 Foods Besides Animal Protein That Can Help Athletes Gain Muscle
One thing that helps an athlete to be more durable and more athletic is gaining muscle. Unfortunately, gaining lean mass isn't that easy for many...
7 Reasons Athletes Are Going to Love CLIF’s Nut Butter Bars
In mid April, the day before I ran the Boston Marathon, I had the opportunity to sample CLIF’s yet-to-be-released Nut Butter Bars. Since that day, I have eagerly been awaiting [...]
A Sports Dietitian’s 6 Favorite Performance Snacks
Enough research has been presented so that active people know the importance of healthy eating. Athletes especially should understand the significance of timing fueling around workouts, games and practices for [...]
4 Division I Football Tips for Muscle-Building Eating
To gain a competitive edge and be a formidable player right out of the gate next football season might require putting on bulk. Through my work with Division I football players, [...]
Gain or Lose Weight With Oatmeal Pancakes
Wrestlers aren't the only athletes who need to gain or lose weight. Football players fluctuate between weight classes as well. In the off-season, some need to put on mass to [...]
5 Steps to Reach the Athlete's Ultimate Goal
No matter the season, the ultimate goal for many athletes is to lean out and bulk up by losing body fat and building muscle. But with all the supplements and [...]
5 Steps to Reach the Athlete’s Ultimate Goal
No matter the season, the ultimate goal for many athletes is to lean out and bulk up by losing body fat and building muscle. But with all the supplements and [...]
Kait's Meal of the Month: Overnight Oats
Editor's Note: Tired of reading why it's important to eat healthy and what your diet should consist of? If you're a STACK reader, you know by now that certain foods [...]
Diet Meal Plans for Slow and Steady Weight Loss
As a culture we've turned dieting into an exercise in deprivation. Crash diets rarely provide lasting results. But a smart, planned-out diet meal plan can keep hunger at bay and [...]