Nutrition Tips
Is Greek Yogurt Actually Healthy?
Greek yogurt now makes up roughly half of all yogurt sales nationwide.
A Super Simple Way to Get Teens to Eat More Vegetables
American teens are shockingly bad at eating vegetables.
Is Turkey Sausage Actually Healthy?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
When Is it Safe For Kids to Start Drinking Coffee?
The more we learn about coffee, the more evidence there is that it can support a healthy lifestyle. The case for drinking coffee today may be stronger than ever before. [...]
New Study Finds Weird Habit That Makes You Eat Less
In a previous STACK article, I detailed how smaller plates and bowls, larger forks and plates that contrast the color of the foods they’re serving can all help you eat [...]
You’re Probably Ignoring This Number in the Nutrition Facts—and It Might Be Making You Fat
As a country, America has never been more obese. There’s no one reason for this. Too much added sugar, not enough physical activity, chronic dehydration—all of these things play a [...]
Are Harvest Snaps Healthy?
Pick up a bag of Harvest Snaps, and you’ll be bombarded by impressive claims of good nutrition. Fresh-picked goodness! 50% less sodium than regular potato chips! 5 grams of plant [...]
How I Stumbled Upon the Ultimate, Science-Backed Bedtime Snack for Better Sleep and More Muscle
Most people love a late-night snack. The problem is, we often default to something like a bag of Doritos or a pint of Ben & Jerry’s for our nighttime munchies. [...]
Are Goldfish Healthy?
Goldfish are as American as apple pie. Introduced by Pepperidge Farm in 1962, the fish-shaped cheese crackers have stood the test of time. Perhaps in part due to their enduring [...]
Are Popchips Actually Healthy?
Popchips are extremely popular.