Planet Fitness
Former NFL Punter Steve Weatherford Gets Kicked Out of Planet Fitness for Working Out Too Hard, Calls for Boycott
If you know anything about Planet Fitness, the chain of gyms that feature something called a "Lunk Alarm," a siren that blares if you dare to drop a weight too [...]
Fitness Fail Friday: The Only Thing Worse Than a Gym Selfie
Call us crusty, but we’re not fans of the gym selfie. If you’re an athlete, just go to the gym, keep your mouth shut and lift heavy things. Do that [...]
Fitness Fail Friday: This Exercise Has the Best Possible Ending
To show you what not to do, each Friday STACK brings you a moment from the weight room or sports field gone horribly wrong. This week, we have an oldie but goodie. [...]
Fitness Fail Friday: Some People Were Never Meant to Have Children
To show you what not to do, each Friday STACK brings you a moment from the weight room or sports field gone horribly wrong. Ever since the exercise ball was [...]
Fitness Fail Friday: These Guys Forgot One Important Thing
Each Friday, STACK brings you a video of an exercise gone horribly wrong. You may or may not learn something from it, but you will laugh very hard. This is [...]
Fitness Fail Friday: The People of Planet Fitness
Pointing out fitness fails at Planet Fitness is like tweeting dumb quotes during The Bachelor. It’s fun for a bit, but the sheer volume of insanity quickly gets depressing. However, [...]