Speed And Agility
Improve Your Crossover Step to Become a More Explosive Basketball Player
If you're a basketball player and you're not working on your crossover step, you're missing out. A crossover step simply refers to "crossing" one leg across the other to cover [...]
The Costly Speed Training Mistake Slowing Down Young Athletes
Now more than ever, sports reward speed. No matter the sport or the age of the athlete, the faster and more explosive players will not only get more opportunities, but [...]
Don’t Trash Your Speed Ladder: How to Get the Most Out of This Much-Maligned Training Tool
There have been several instances in my career when I learned that things I did as an athlete growing up were not as effective as I thought they were at [...]
6 Upper-Body Exercises to Help Make You Faster
Running as a sport is different than running as part of a sport. It’s the difference of unhindered straightaway running compared to multiple directional changes while attacking or defending. It [...]
Master the Stretch-Shortening Cycle to Sprint Faster and Jump Higher
When you hear the term “plyometric,” you might think of jumping or jump training. However, plyometric is defined as an action that causes a muscle to reach maximal force in [...]
We Tested JAWKU Speed, a Wearable Designed to Make Athletes Faster
Athletes already know they’re active. It’s why devices that simply track the number of steps taken or stairs climbed in a day might not be all that appealing to them. [...]
Why Arm Drive Drills for Speed Training Aren’t That Important
Many athletes and coaches tend to think that arm drive is the magic solution to sprint faster. It's not, although it does provide a strong secondary...
Improve Your Footwork With Tips From the Man With the World’s Fastest Feet
Watching Luis Badillo Jr. move through a speed ladder looks fake. It seems impossible that a person can move with such speed and precision that you have to wonder if [...]
3 Drills That Improve Agility and Quickness
For youth athletes, deceleration exercises are extremely important. First, they teach the athlete how to properly absorb the forces that the body...
Learn to Decelerate Faster to Improve Your Agility
In sports, athletes are required to change directions at a moments notice, this often involves deceleration after reacting to a stimulus and then...