Speed And Agility
6 Essential Multi-Directional Speed Drills
Want to have quick feet, blazing speed and the ability to juke people out of their shoes? Good, let's get to work with some speed drills. Before we do I...
3 Simple Steps to Get Quick
Often over complicated and made to look more confusing and good looking than it really is. What am I talking about, Speed and agility training. I may...
Odell Beckham Jr. Shows Out on the Speed Ladder
We’ve seen many fast-twitch athletes shred up the speed ladder. But man, watch Odell Beckham Jr. really chop it up in this video, posted yesterday to his Instagram. Then again, [...]
How Ryan Mathews Returned to Highlight Reel Status
The San Diego Chargers finally discovered a cure for their sluggish rushing attack—a healthy Ryan Mathews dishing out steady doses of punishing, between-the-tackles runs. In just his second game back [...]
WATCH: Kevin Durant’s and Russell Westbrook’s Intense Sand Dune Workout
On Nov. 4, HBO will air "The Offseason," a mini-documentary chronicling Kevin Durant's summer, from the end of last season to the start of training camp. In the preview clip [...]
Lock Down Your Side of the Field with the DB Backpedal and Weave Drill
Athletically gifted defensive backs can rely on their speed and agility to close on a ball and disrupt a short pass play. However, cover corners who haven’t mastered the techniques [...]
Watch the U. S. Marines Train the UConn Women’s Basketball Team
Last week, University of Connecticut women's basketball junior point guard Moriah Jefferson woke up for 6 a.m. practice. It was not a typical pre-season practice. The Huskies were joined by [...]
Four-Quarter Strength and Endurance Football Workout
Off-Season Football Workout Gets You in "Game" and "Beach" Shape By Jim Carpentier, CSCS Think your off-season conditioning program is getting you in...
Agility Drills to Improve Baseball Fielding
Fielding is a critical skill in baseball. To perform this well takes a combination of mobility, speed, agility, and ball handling skills. This article...
4 Essential Components of Basketball Speed With Drills to Enhance Them
Many basketball coaches and athletes use a one-dimensional approach to speed training: Run more. Running sprints will help you get faster, but basketball players seldom reach top-end speed during a [...]